::The man once known as Michael Cline walked the long dessert sands of Tattoine, his reasons for being there were his own and no one else's. Reason's that would remain privy only to him, after all as a Rogue Darkside User he had no one he had to report to, no one he had to listen to. He was his own man. He needed no one, not the Jedi, not the Sith, not even the Dark Jedi. He trenched the white dunes slowly walking towards a port city and stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes darted across the dusty terraine. He was being followed.::

Who's there.

::He glanced around more, he knew he had felt a presence through the Force. A lightside presence at that.::


::He hollered not only through the burning desert wind but sending the message screaming throughout the Force as well. He turned as he felt the presence reemerge. His eyes narrowed::


OOC: This is open to one Jedi, jump in as you see fit.