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Thread: The Release of Anger...For no Reason At All!

  1. #21
    Dalethria Mal Pannis

    It was not her place to interfere at all. Lady Vader had the power to let the man live or die. All Dalethria cared about was that her Master's consort was alright ... and she was. The men that she faced were already dealt with and Shenlong's Fang was disengaged and placed back upon her belt.

    Curiously, she watched ... waiting ... to see what Lady Vader would do.

  2. #22
    Lady Vader

    *LV closed her eyes for a moment... she thought and then opened her eyes suddenly*

    *with a lightning fast moment, she tightened her grip on the man with her left hand and slashed his face with her right, claws fully extened... her four fingers left a nasty gash on the man's face, from the top left, down diagonally to the bottom right... his left eye was gone*

    *the man screamed in agony, yet she silenced him using the Force to constrict his vocal chords... placing her right palm over the gash, she heated her hand up, using the Force, burning the gash into placed, scabbing it quickly... the claw marks were quite clean and destinctive, and would leave a horrid scar on his face*

    *tears were coming forth from his good eye as she brought his face towards hers... she spoke low and menacingly*

    This is a reminder. Don't EVER do this again. I catch you so much as pulling a stunt like this again, and losing an eye will be the LEAST of your problems.

    *disgusted, she tossed him aside like a rag doll... he hit a wall lightly and slumped down to the ground... he placed a hand over his dead eye and looked at her fearfully... his other two buddies by now had regained some composier and grabbed him, disapearing into the dark alley*

    *she sighed quietly, and retracted her claws... she turned in the seat of her speeder bike to face Anbira and Dalethria... she nodded to Dalethria, and then to Anbira, locking eyes with him... her face softened slightly... it had been so long since last they'd talked, really talked... she felt an ache inside and realized she missed it very much... missed him*

    *as suddenly as the emotion change had occured, it reversed... her face became hard and determined... she needed to thank them... she wasn't used to thanking people, but she knew when it was appropriate... and now was a time as such*

    Thank you for the assist.

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