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Thread: SW Cantina song

  1. #41
    Mirax H

    Well, I just watched for a while and got tired of seeing everyone gang up on Mara. I decided I deffinitely had sith tendencies so I asked to join her. We actually have a recruitment post called SITH RULE, JEDI DROOL, Join us. You could sign up there. I'd love to have you on my side. Ocassionally we get to kick some Jedi ass, but usually they run and hide We don't eat other sith, however, Jedi are free game

  2. #42

    Okay, I just joined up. I feel the Dark Side, wait...that's just my dinner digesting...NOW I feel the Dark Side!

  3. #43
    Mirax H

    LOL. I'm glad you joined. And I'm glad I don't have to fight you like CMJ and Mara do. Boy, has that been interesting to watch

  4. #44

    Ah, young's like a car accident: you know it's going to be messy, but you just HAVE to see it. LOL we sort of have a secret little convo thread here...I think only like three or four ppl actually look in the Miscellaneous section.

  5. #45
    Mirax H

    Kinda like our secret place And yeah kinda fun to watch young love blossom(eww, I might have to hurl now,lol)

  6. #46
    Mara Jade1

    So might I... I don't think I like how you are talking about me and CMJ behind my back... Please check your e-mail Mira

  7. #47
    Mirax H

    LOL, I cant get into echostation again today and it's making me mad. I might have to rip off a Jedi's head or something

  8. #48
    Mara Jade1

    Shall I send the message to the other address?

  9. #49
    Mirax H

    Yeah, go ahead.

  10. #50

    All right! Someone else actually reads the "Miscellaneous" Forum! I apologise for any inappropriate comments, Master Mara. I just meant that "young love" thing in general. Having no clue as to the full extent of th situation, I wouldn't have said anything more. Please don't Force Choke me to death!

  11. #51
    Mirax H

    Hey Bromine, and Mara, I really need some help with Kadann. He's starting to piss me off and I just might have to force choke him

  12. #52
    Mara Jade1

    Br....I don't think I like your tone of voice....Give me your e-mail address.

  13. #53

    I'm just curious, now: Who's read this thread? I know there's at least 4-6, maybe more. If you're reading this (and undoubtedly laughing your head off) say, "Hey!",(Or even say "Bob's your uncle", I don't care) This includes you, Atreyu: I know you read everything! BTW, did ANYONE actually listen to "SW Cantina", which is sort of why I started this thread?

  14. #54
    Mirax H

    Hi Bromine, actually I forgot to

  15. #55

    Interesting conversation...... Isn't that song by Wierd Al? I haven't heard it yet if its that one.

  16. #56

    It isn't by Weird Al, although it's on par with his work, IMO. If you go to and look under "Humor" and then "Musical Humor" it's listed there along with the artist; can't remember the name.

  17. #57

    I could have swore he wrote a Cantina song......

  18. #58

    "Hey" Bromine, Yes, its a nice thread don't forget that added to those 4-6 who are registered and are reading this, there are probably thousands reading who are not registered <=o A cold shiver flows through everyone as reality sets in... OK, just kidding Mirax H, as far as getting tired of watching everyone gang up on Mara- she is a sweetheart but, as they say, If you can't stand the heat...

  19. #59

    Yeah, I kind of assume anything posted ANYWHERE is read by everyone in the known world...just thought it was funny that so little goes in this forum that most ppl seem to ignore it... Has ANYONE heard that Cantina song yet?

  20. #60
    Mirax H

    Well, I had the disco ball out, the feater boa, hip hugging lycra bellbottoms and platforms on and was doing a conga line in my house when it ended mid song. Like what I heard though

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