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Thread: Neat things you can do with HTML

  1. #1
    Jedi James1

    Neat things you can do with HTML

    A while ago I learned a few things you can do with HTML. Most of you probebly already know all of this, but for you newbies here are a few things you can do. This'll help you when posting and when doing you signatures. <FONT SIZE="+1>you can change the size of you text, if you want you post to be noticed.</FONT> All you have to do ist type font size="+ or -x, in "<>" (standard HTML brackets), where x it the HTML font size. followed by the standered end font which is /font in the standard HTML brackets.

  2. #2

    Here's a few more (note that you must replace all '[ ]' with HTML tags '< >'): 1. Change writing color [FONT COLOR=(colour)]text[/FONT] eg. <FONT COLOR=RED>text</FONT> 2. Change font to bold or italics: Bold: text Italics: text eg. Bold: text Italics: text 3. Have text scroll across page (only available for IE users): [MARQUEE]text[/MARQUEE] eg. <MARQUEE>text (scrolls only in IE)</MARQUEE> 4. Have text blink (only available for Netscape users): [BLINK]text[/BLINK] eg. <BLINK>text (blinks only in Netscape)</BLINK> Then there's the option to create a signature like mine, but it's fairly lengthy. I might include it later if anyone wants to know.

  3. #3
    Jedi James1

    In Thall's #2 he forgot something how to underline text so this is how you do that. text eg text is underlined and in order to make the color of the text change, (#1) you must put the color in quatation marks eg [font color="color"]

  4. #4

    I've never used quote marks to change the text colour. If you don't mind James, I'd like to move this to the Misc. forum, since there's no fear of it being lost there.

  5. #5
    Jedi James1

    I don't mind, but I'd Like you to teach us how to make sigs like yours.

  6. #6

    Just to add my two cents' worth... I've found a wonderful website that explains a lot about HTML, from beginning stuff through more advanced stuff. Plus, it has a bunch of color codes! Hope this helps... enjoy!

  7. #7
    Eminy Xaviery

    I can teach you how to create sigs like Thrall's. I learned it while creating a web site. It is lenghthy,(sp?) but here it is. replace all the "[]" with "<>" [table boarder=a cellspacing=b width=x table bgcolor="color"] (this might not be necessary)[tr valign=top, bottom, or center align=left, right, or center][td width=x height=y]text[/tr][/table] x=what width you want. its measured in pixels. y=height you want. measured in pixels look at my sig for an example

  8. #8

    Here's a copy of what I have in my signature, just remember to use HTML tags '< >' instead of '[ ]': [/FONT] [CENTER] [/FONT]

  9. #9
    Jedi James1

    I think Eminy's way is much easier.

  10. #10
    Jedi James1

    If you point at one of my pics, after awhile what happens. You should get a massage in a little help box that reads either An Equalizer or James' saber. Does anyone want to know how I did that?

  11. #11

    <Marquee>Me try Me try</marquee> [c]<img src= alt="WowThat'sCool!!!">[/c] great, Thanks Thall and Thanks James!! Are you able to do it with a hypertext link too or just with images? I tried, but I may have missed a detail.

  12. #12
    Jedi James1

    <marquee>I don't know, but I'll see. </marquee> It works! sort of, you have to have it scroll with other text.

  13. #13
    Jedi James1

    Posted about the wrong thing, no you cannot attach that type of message with a hyperlink, as far as I know, but you can to this EZ-Board, but then again you probably already knew that

  14. #14

    hmm, How depressing- I'm in netscape communicator and the "alt" boxes don't come up- Sunday, when I read your post and placed mine, I was in internet explorer. does the "alt" only work for ie users? Thanks again for your help!

  15. #15

    So what did I do wrong? I am trying to make a fancy table with boarders, but it did not work. I was able to change the <FONT SIZE=6>font size</FONT> and <FONT COLOR=A52AZA>font color</FONT> of my <MARQUEE>scrolling marquee</MARQUEE> But what happend to the table?

  16. #16

    Trying again... Still no table. But I think I have the <FONT COLOR=7FFF00>COLOR</FONT> & <FONT SIZE=4>SIZE</FONT> thing figured out.

  17. #17
    Jedi James1

    In order to help you I'll need a copy of the exact HTML you used in trying to creat you sig. I'll need all of it.

  18. #18
    Spadix From HPC

    yeah, I do know how you did that James... Little John told me... I'll post it later... can't get to it just yet... I'm checking to see if my fancey new sig. will work I used Thails... good old "copy & Paste" thingy, just changed some things... gonna change the pic though... posibly to a Dragon... M/B a Namik... Piccolo... or what not... m/b a pokemon...(Rapidash, Growlithe, Arcanine, or Ponyta!!)

  19. #19
    Spadix From HPC

    lets see if this does better

  20. #20
    Spadix From HPC

    I think I fixed it now...

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