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Thread: TPM mugs

  1. #1
    Comrade Smoke

    TPM mugs

    Does anyone know how many TPM mugs are there? They are just simple ceramic mug with pictures of some TPM character. I believe there are at least 6 of them. Anyone knows more?

  2. #2

    Comrade...I have no idea. But I wish I had seen them. I collect mugs as a rule(I have several different cities & university mugs) so I'd like to have TPM ones too if they really sold them.

  3. #3
    Comrade Smoke

    I've seen. They have made at least 2 series. "Simple" ones at least 4 of them (more i think). And mugs that has characters face on it. Actually there are 2 of them, plastic and ceramic. So 3 different series.

  4. #4

    You're kidding. Huh, I wonder why I never saw them here....

  5. #5
    Comrade Smoke

    Odd. I have asked them around and no one seems to have a clue. I suppose they are sold in Europe only. So that's why so many fans are unaware from their presence. It's a pity. They are really well-made. I have DM "simple" ceramic mug and DM "shaped" ceramic mug. Guess I'll get few of them more if I have money.

  6. #6

    Hmmm... It kinda sucks they aren't here. But seriously I'd never even heard of the damn things till you posted on them. I wish they sold them over here in the US.

  7. #7
    Comrade Smoke

    That's what I really can't understand. Usually they make SW stuff in USA that arean't available in Europe. But it's very strange there isn't any TPM mugs over there. (At least one of them is made by APPLAUSE.) If you want I could try to scan them. If that would meet any success.

  8. #8

    Nah, it's no biggie. Thanks for offering though...

  9. #9

    Sorry posting here originally was a mistake. Please don't read this post...actually I'll just delete it I guess.


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