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Thread: New 12" figs

  1. #1

    New 12" figs

    Anyone seen the new wave of 12" figs? I saw Anakin, Battle Droid and one of the Astromech droids over the weekend, they looked pretty cool..

  2. #2
    Mirax H

    yeah, I just got the Anakina nd pit froid this weekend. Saw Watto too but didnt want to spend 26.99 for it at KB.

  3. #3

    I've seen the Anikin and the pit droids for the past couple of weeks at Wal*Mart. The first time I saw them there was the green astromech also but, since then I've only seen the first two. (eveybody luvs R2) Today I saw the POTF Luke w/ tentacle, Obi Wan w/ training remote and the the guy from mos eisley that lost an arm in 12". Was there a design error in the Obi Wan because I noticed that he is holding a graflex saber, not his own "machined one. just curious.

  4. #4

    I have one of the 12 inch Obi Wan's with the training remote and the wrong lightsaber (luke's graflex) that I want to sell if anyone is interested. Please email me if you are...I don't want to clutter the discussion with this..

  5. #5

    Does anyone have the trilogy r2-d2 ?

  6. #6

    Just got back from Wallyworld(the one closest to me), They have a Watto, two battle droids, two Obi Wans(TPM), and a Gui-Gon. they were $21 I just thought I'd post cause it is the first time I had seen a Watto. they had rubies maul sabres running out their ears for $1.50(they are the old, grey blade lock ones though.) I wonder how long before the Hasbro sabres will be availible for a dollar? hmmm, does anyone remember a trilogy artoo?

  7. #7
    Master Jidai Geki

    Just an observation...I don't know if there's a connection or not. But I was at Wal-Mart and every 12" Obi-Wan that was packaged with his body and head facing forward had his left eye painted off center. But every 12" Obi-Wan that was packaged with his body and head facing to the left had his left eye correctly painted on (centered on his eyeball). Can anyone confirm this? It would be a strange variant if there was a connection between body position and the quality of the left eyeball paint work.

  8. #8

    Hmmm, I'll have to look over here. I wonder if the crooked eye/packed straight ones were painted on Friday and packaged on Monday and the staight eyed/angle packed ones were painted on Monday and packed on Friday? The ways of Hasbro are but a mystery

  9. #9

    Well, I checked my two local Wally worlds and only found three OWK figures. Each one pretty much were facing forward in the box and all of the eyes were looking straight ahead. -could be a "limited" variation.


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