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Thread: Collecting other toy lines?

  1. #1

    Collecting other toy lines?

    What other toy lines do people collect? Outside of Star Wars I stick mainly to G.I.Joe(3 3/4") and the occasional transformers.

    Some great news for the Joe fans, this September Hasbro is releasing 5 different 2 packs of figures, along with 3 vehicles(Mobat, Dragonfly, and C.U.D.A??). I don't recall all the two packs but I know one is Snakeeyes and Stormshadow which should be a awesome and popular pack.

  2. #2

    Collecting other toy lines?

    I don't collect any other toys lines, but if I see a figure that I think is really cool I'll buy it. Some of the ones I've bought in the last few years are Kenner's "Catwoman". This is the one where she's in her purple comic book outfit w/ black hair, not blonde like in the movie and cartoon. Toybiz's "Punisher" w/ trench coat and the X-Men's "Gambit". And Mcfarlane's "Kiss" figures and "Ozzy Osbourne". I'd get the "Rob Zombie" figure .... if I ever find it.

  3. #3

    I mainly stick with Star Wars. I also grab the occassional figure that I really like or that looks cool.

  4. #4

    i hardly get toys anymore but if something catches my eye like an awesome sculpt or very accurate figure ill get it
    got that catwoman figure the scorpion figure that came out a few years ago, a couple spawn figures, some of the superman and batman animated figs.
    I've got a very varied collection

    right now im waiting to get the ash figure from mcfairlane

    you'd never guess that one would you

  5. #5

    The only other line I collect is the new Simpsons line by Playmates. The figures are really cool and the voice the playsets and figures produce are great. They totally blow the COMMTech chips away. I've gotten most of the first wave and the Power Plant playset. Another bonus is that the figures are relatively cheap, $4.99 a figure. It makes you realize just how much the merchandising fees Hasbro paid out has affected the price of EP1 & POFT2 fiugres.

  6. #6
    Jedi Master Kyle

    i don't really collect toys other than star wars, but i did recently pick up tuck & roll from a bug's life and mini-me.

  7. #7

    Where did you find those Simpsons figures? I haven't seen them anywhere yet.

    Yo Joe!!!!!!!

  8. #8

    The Simpson figures first hit TRU about 2-3 months ago. My local Target just received their first shipment a couple of weeks ago. The figures you have to watch for are Burns, Granpa, & Lisa. These are the short packed figures. Bart and Homer are the most common. As with any toy line, collect what you like. I got the power plant playset because I wanted to hear some of the figures and they don't work without the playsets. I expect that the playsets will one day show up in clearance bins. It may take several months, but I'm patient. You can also order the fiugres on line from the Simpsons web site. I can't remember the address but it shouldn't be too hard to find. Just don't give in to the dark side! (Scalpers & ebay) Good luck.

  9. #9

    First of all Hi to everyone that doesn`t know me! I normally reside in the props forum but I thought i`d expand.

    I use to collect the GI JOE 3/4" figures years ago but I was only about 8 or 9 at the time and then I sold them all because I grew out of them and it was the worst thing I ever did! I had quite a few of the old ones in near mint unpackaged condition and I thought they rocked! god I miss those pieces of plastic. *sniffle sniffle*

  10. #10

    Those old Joes are coming back you know. I don't know exactly which figures are being remade but you could easily find a list in magazines like Toyfare. Go Joe!

  11. #11

    They're coming in 5 two packs.


    Cobra Commander & Chameleon(Baroness)
    Firefly & Undertow


    Tomahawk(Hawk) & Dialtone
    Dusty & Law n Order


    Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow(Cobra again)

    Along with Mobat(and 2 figures) Locust(Dragonfly, with Wild Bill) and Man o War(little sub, with Lamprey).

    Check out for pictures(check the news section) plus they have all the information you'd want on all those old toys you sold.

  12. #12
    Jedi Master Kyle

    This is great! Bringing back the good stuff of the 80's! Now if only someone would wise up and bring back the transformers!

  13. #13

    doh! we won`t see them over here in the UK though.

  14. #14

    I was never allowed to by any of those cool Goe's; my parents thought they were too "war-like" or something.
    But now I will get every single one and have my revenge! MWUAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!

  15. #15
    Jedi Master Kyle

    My first Joe ever was this dude:

    And my mom swiped all of his accesories too! Never again though, I had to sit her down and tell her that the weapons were the essence of the joe. no guns, no joe. Even at 4 years old I was a tough negotiator!

  16. #16

    Thats Joes face reminds me of Jim Carrey! or is it just me

  17. #17
    Jedi Master Kyle

    From Dumb and Dumber? Yeah you may be right! Perhaps that's why my mom took away the gun!

  18. #18

    : nice to see i`m not alone on this :

  19. #19

    For that first year of Joe's they were pretty generic, half of them had the same head and almost all of them(except Scarlett) shared arms, torso, etc with other guys. It was in 1983 that they really started to get unique.

  20. #20
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Yeah, they were all lame in '82, except for scarlet, only because she was a woman and had to look different.

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