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Thread: Yard Sales and Flea Markets

  1. #1

    Yard Sales and Flea Markets

    Anyone out there have good luck at sales or flea markets for finding cool toys? A few years back I had a good summer or two and actually found some stuff but haven't found anything in over 2 yrs, been very dry.

    I'm still hoping I'll come accross a big G.I.Joe collection or two at a yard sale but nada so far. I don't think I've seen any Star Wars toys at a sale/market for a long time.

  2. #2

    I've never found anything of value. You've got to get up pretty early on the weekend to hit those yardsales and that just isn't my thing.

  3. #3

    I've noticed in the last few years, at least in my area, everyone tries to get back what they origianlly paid. It used to be you could get stuff for like a buck or two. Now for a $40 chair, they'll charge $35. Anything that looks remotely like a collectible will be overpriced. I've seen loose Star Wars figures for as much as $10.

  4. #4
    Jedi Master Kyle

    I once found a garage sale with an ESB blanket out front and
    ROTJ bed sheets. I think I paid $2 for the blanket and sheets combined. I asked the woman if she had any more old star wars stuff back there, and she came back out with a plush chewie from 1977, the ANH novelization, the ESB illustrated novelization, and a model of the falcon, which I've since destroyed! I haven't seen a single star wars artifact since.

  5. #5
    Albi Wan Yankovi

    I found TWO pull apart 3P0s at the Flea Market for $2 a piece. Got them both.

  6. #6

    I found an old Kenner lightsabre at a yard sale once! Got it for .50!!


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