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Thread: New TV spinoff for Ep.2

  1. #1

    New TV spinoff for Ep.2

    Obviously, we have no idea yet if this will work, but I was thinking: I assume that at some point, the Jedi will scatter and an army of Sith, clones, or SOMETHING will hunt them down. There's no way a movie can cover ALL of this, so I think a TV spinoff would be awesome. It could either track one lone Jedi as he tries to unite the Order again, or follow the hunters as they track down the various Jedi. Why I think this would rock is because of the potential to see many, many different worlds and meet myriads of Jedi. Add to that, of course, the chance to see non-stop saber-action!!

  2. #2
    Mirax H

    Sounds interesting, I'd watch.

  3. #3

    not so sure i want to see SW on tv..might take some of the magic away

  4. #4
    Mirax H

    It might not be bad if they didn't use any of the characters we already know.

  5. #5

    DEFINITELY use different characters. I don't think it would lose much...Star Trek: TNG had some pretty great SFX for a TV show. I think I'd be happy with that level of visuals. I just think there are so many different things you can do with a Jedi's character that there needs to be a series to explore them all.

  6. #6
    Mara Jades Father

    I don't want to see a show about Jedi being slaughtered. Tonight's special guest Jedi victim is...

  7. #7
    Mirax H

    lol MJF I think you could either use the new Jedi order that Luke has formed or possibly Han and Leia's children to give it a connection to SW but not having anything from the original movies. And I loved TNG. Was the best of the spinoffs

  8. #8

    Not that TNG had much competition in the spinoff category...

  9. #9
    Mirax H

    True, but I still like the reruns better than the new stuff. DS9 was just awful.

  10. #10
    Kater Phyre

    i liked DS9 after they started the war

  11. #11

    The war was cool, but soon, every episode had "The great space battle that would decide the war," and that got kind of old, IMO.

  12. #12
    Mirax H

    Hey, did anyone watch Space: Above and Beyond" on Fox a few years back. I thought that it was awesome and they were all pilots. I'd love to see Rogue Squadron like that.

  13. #13

    I watched that show a bit...I think I would have liked it if it had stuck around long enough so I could see a few episodes.

  14. #14
    Mirax H

    Actually, there were quite a few. It ran from Sept to Jan and I was pissed when they got rid of it. I really enjoyed it.

  15. #15

    I think they're rerunning it on the Space Channel...Do you Americans get that one?

  16. #16
    Mirax H

    We have the Sci Fi channel here. And yeah, I caught it the first time they re-ran it.


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