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Thread: Connections between books

  1. #1
    Director Isard

    Connections between books

    I just re-read Rogue Planet, and stumbled across a name in there that I thought I recognized from reading another.

    Does the name Vergere ring a bell?

    Rogue Planet: New Jedi Knight Vergere, member of a rare species, travels to a planet called Zonama Sekot, gets there in time to witness an attack on that panet by a race of strange creatures that don't like machinery and want to learn all about the way the Zonamans build organic ships. Vergere strikes a pact with them to go with them if they leave the planet alone. She vanishes.

    NJO - Agents of Chaos: Yuzzhan Vong Priestess Elan has a "familiar" (pet) by the name of Vergere who comes from this Galaxy. She recognizes the name Skywalker, generally seems rather well schooled on things that have to do with the Force.

    We're dealing with the same person here, right?

    Now that makes me wonder if we're not going to see some more of Vergere in that series.

  2. #2

    It's just a cooincidence, I'm sure. They were written by different authors who picked some random letters to make a new name that sounded good. Try again Isard!

  3. #3
    Director Isard

    what do you know anyway? of course it's not just a co-incidence.

  4. #4

    It was all planned to be like that. The Yuuzhan Vong didn't just decide to pop into this galaxy and start conquering worlds, they've been planning it for a long, long while. Since at least 50 years before Vector Prime.

  5. #5


  6. #6

    What do I know!?!

    I'll have you know,young lady, that I've seen all 4 movies at least once, and read more that 3 chapters in an X-Wing book. I obviously know as much as the next poster. Well, almost.

  7. #7
    Hart Kenobi


    There are FOUR SW movies????? I need to catch up!

  8. #8

    Re: ???!!!

    TI IS the same person, and can I point ou that in the NJO book she speaks of a Jedi called Skywalker Luke was born before her first appearance...

  9. #9

    Re: ???!!!

    Damn! It looks like you're right again Isard, blast you!

  10. #10
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: ???!!!



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