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Thread: STARWARS EP7-EP9 !!!

  1. #21

    Re: agreed!

    But once upon a time, didn't he say he wouldn't do Ep. 1-3?
    Not that I know of. From what I've heard he always wanted to make the prequels ever since ANH became a hit, but he wanted to wait until technology had caught up with his vision. When he saw Jurassic Park in 1993, he knew that it was now time.

  2. #22

    Re: agreed!

    I can name an enemy that can compete with the Empire, the Yuuzhan Vong :-P But they're being covered in the EU, so it would be kinda dumb to have that same story put on the big screen.

  3. #23

    It would be fun, though

    I can understand why Lucas wants it to end with Episode VI, but that doesn't mean we can't speculate.
    There are some ideas for a final trilogy at

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