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Thread: Summing it all up: What do we know about Ep.2?

  1. #1

    Summing it all up: What do we know about Ep.2?

    I'm writing a letter to a friend who's been in South America for a year now and doesn't have the Internet or anything, so he hasn't heard any news about Episode 2 in that time. I want to tell him what has been revealed, but I'm stumped. The question is: What do we know FOR SURE about Episode 2? This means no rumours or speculations, since he did see Episode 1 and can speculate just as well as the rest of us. So what can I say in my next letter?

    I figured some of the cast would be good. Especially who's returning and who's not. Most of the actors we know for sure are obscure, though, so a list of actors wouldn't help him.
    That tidbit about Yoda fighting is a good point, too. What else?

  2. #2

    we know that it will take place 10 years after ep1. We know padme and ani will be a couple. we know threepio will be on coruscant. we'll see shmi. jarjar will be in it. mandalorians, the clone wars. we'll see yoda more than we have together in the past movies. he'll be wielding a lightsaber. mace windu is the BEST jedi after yoda. we'll know why quigon didnt disappear. we'll probably get more info about the sith. watto will reappear. boba fett is in it. owen and beru. and bail organa. thats what comes in mind right now.

  3. #3

    Okay, great! Lots of good info there. Although, we really don't know if Mandalorians and the Clone Wars will be in it, do we? We can kind of assume so, I guess.
    Also remember everyone that my pal is a big SW fan and he left just a year ago, so I'm looking more for stuff that we found out in the past year. (a few months after TPM until now). It's all good, though. Keep it coming!

  4. #4


    mace windu is the best jedi after Yoda.

    According to my sources, Mace is the best Jedi period. He is the senior memeber of the council above yoda.

  5. #5
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Re: correction

    We know that Obi Wan will sport a beard!

  6. #6

    Re: correction

    We know Anakin won't be saying anything like "Yippee!" or "Wizard!" or "Now this is Podracing!" Err, don't we?

  7. #7

    Re: correction

    I hope not.

  8. #8
    Darth Ronin

    Jango Fett

    TFN claims to have confirmation of a character called Jango Fett. There's speculation amock about who Jango is and how he's related to Boba (father/son), but at least they say they've confirmed the character's appearance in the script as well as a meeting between Boba and Aurra Sing.

    TFN also claims confirmation that the children hired to play raggedy extras are part of a Tattoine tribe of primitives.

    C3PO has his gold exterior (as recounted by several actors who met Anthony Daniels)

    Shmi's part is very small (as told by Pernilla August).

  9. #9
    Jedi Master Kyle

    old ideas..

    I remember an old draft of star wars that had a bunch of kids that made up a tribe on tatooine. general skywalker led them into battle (i forget why) This time around, if George recycles his ideas, it'll probably be Anakin leading the kids into battle. Against slavery?

  10. #10
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Check this out!

    Bromine, everything you want to know is on this site (i think, it's very very long so i didn't read the whole thing.)

  11. #11

    Re: Check this out!

    Great! Thanks!

  12. #12
    Jedi Master Kyle

    No prob!

    hoped it helped!

  13. #13
    Darth Ronin


    Some website with spies just confirmed that Boba Fett is being played by a little boy and that the main action in Episode II is with his father Jango Fett.

  14. #14
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Re: confirmed

    That's what I've been saying all along! That Boba would be a wee lad in episode 2! It's not official, but it's getting closer to being true! So what do y'all think? Jango is a mandalorian warrior who gets smoked and boba keeps his dad's getup and becomes the famed bounty hunter? That's my story and I'm sticking to it! And have been sticking to it!


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