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Thread: Kenny Baker....Royally SCREWED!!!

  1. #21
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Re: Kenny Baker...

    Here it is, from the official site:
    <font color="yellow">
    Baker Returns
    August 31, 2000 -- Kenny Baker, the man inside Artoo-Detoo in the first four Star Wars films, will join Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) as the only actors to appear in the entire original trilogy and both prequel films when he catches up with the Episode II production team in a few weeks.
    "The character of R2-D2 continues to play an important role and requires much more movement in Episode II." George Lucas said. "The robotics technology inside the Artoo models have advanced to the point where they can achieve most of the performance I need right along side the other actors. Still, there's an element of humanity to Artoo that comes from having Kenny Baker inside. We've always had Kenny scheduled for a number of shots during the final week of shooting at Elstree Studios." </font>

    So it sounds like there won't be any CG Artoo, but it also sounds like Kenny won't be in the model as much as he used to be. Oh well, at least we won't be getting a Disney movie!

  2. #22

    Re: Kenny Baker...

    Told you so!

  3. #23
    Grendel 666

    Re: Kenny Baker...


    Had to get that out my system. "Move along, move along..."

  4. #24

    i find most of the stuff reported at AICN is crap,

    i cant count how many times theyve reproted something as truths as in "this came from the actors/directors mouth" when its tottal crap
    personally i dont even go their anymore

  5. #25

    I'm glad to hear that rumor was garbage. A CG Artoo just wouldn't have "felt" right. And they used a robot R2 in ANH as well. It just didn't work right half the time but Baker wasn't in there all of the time. So I see no problem with the robot R2 getting more and more screen time as the prequels move along. It's just ILM taking advantage of improving technology. I don't think that Lucas would ever kick Baker completely out of R2. I really do think he adds a touch of "humanity" to R2. And plus he's just so darn cute!

  6. #26
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Whatever the case may be, this stupid story won't go away!
    This just came out today! Are they dumb or what?

  7. #27
    Jedi Master Carr

    They don't even mention that Baker NOW is going to be in the suit. They are probably so behind they probably haven't even heard it considering that this story was big news last week and now no one (but this site) seems to care about it.

  8. #28

    On a historical note, Baker wasn't inside R2 very much after the first one, and he was arely in it at all in ROTJ. (I think he had enough time to play an Ewok also).

    There was a rumor that he and Peter Mayhew had a quick walk through in a Tatooine scene in TPM. I'm not sure it it was ever confirmed that it was them.

    So has IMDB or whoever published the first report printed a retraction?

  9. #29
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Yes, Kenny Baker did play an ewok in ROTJ, and no, IMDB did not post a retraction.

  10. #30

    they wont print a retraction,
    that would be admiting they dont know how to report stuff corectly,

    as in not reporting something as a truth that is not confirmed,

  11. #31

    Remember the good old days when you could actually believe some of the stuff you read in the news?

  12. #32
    Jedi Master Kyle

    The biggest problem with the internet!

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