As much as I love GL, I really feel bad for Kenny. It's like a slap in the face.

The IMDB posted some interesting news about Kenny Baker, who states that R2-D2 is computer generated in the future prequels.
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R2D2 actor Kenny Baker will not get the chance to re-create his character in future Star Wars movies - because he's being replaced by a computer. Kenny has been told that the robot he played for four smash movies will be computer generated in Star Wars: Episode II (2002). He says, "Of course I am disappointed. I missed the chance to go to Australia with the cast. I'm not in the movie to the extent I was expecting and no one has really explained to me why... George Lucas always told me that R2D2 really came alive when I was inside him. If they don't use human beings these movies are in danger of looking like Disney cartoons... The progress in digital and computer technology has been frightening. It was light years on from when I was in the first Star Wars movie."</font>