Cirrsseeto wasn't content with idle speculation here. He pointed a finger at his doctor.

"Go. Fjind out. jI don't carre how, but we've got to know what the jinvaderrs werre up to."

His eyes again returned to the images before them, and he considered the bantha in the room. The next time, this could be an Alliance world. Or a world with many more people.

His XO was silent on the issue. They both were thinking the same thing. He could see it on Glayde's expression.

"We fjind the ones rresponsjible forr thjis, and we kjill them. Thjis jisn't enemy of my enemy. Not wjith a mjilljion people dead and tossed asjide ljike garrbage."

His jawline tightened as his ears drew back even farther.