Season Finale:

[I can't believe that opening 20 minutes. Just incredible. What a move by Cersei - she finally grabs the power she's been trying to get her whole life, but AT WHAT COST. This is definitely her downfall. Poor Tommen.

Confirmation of Jon's parentage (at least half of it, thanks to playing coy with the whispering) at last! Dany sets sail, looking for a husband! Benjen confirms the Wall keeps out the White Walkers with magic! Dorne and the Queen of Thorns - worth it just for her sniping at all the dumb Sand Snakes!

That look that Jamie gives newly crowned Cersei at the end...after she did what he killed the Mad King for attempting. I need next season now. NOW.

AND THE KING IN THE NORTH AAAA Lyanna Mormont is my favorite. That look Littlefinger had - when Sansa wasn't in charge like he'd planned...and he finally laid out his great ambition to her, which we all knew but he never said out loud... Somehow I still want Littlefinger to come out on top. Not to sit on the throne, but to survive the show.

Also I predict next season ends with the Wall falling.]