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Thread: The Best Star Pilot in the Galaxy

  1. #61
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sssmoke me a kjipperrr, jI'll be back forrr brrreakfassst!

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    Cirrsseeto Quez's Avatar
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    Cirr smiled at the confusion.

    "My people would call jit cheei'aittha' ruhaai, but forr us jit jis somethjing morre that a woman would have."

    He looked at her and his ears tilted a little.

    "You know the terrm swaggerr?"

  2. #62
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Her brief vacation from the Dauntless wasn't entirely a vacation, as there were always bits of regulation busy-work to tend to no matter what ship one found themselves on. But, the fact still remained that the bulk of her duties were shuffled to the wayside, giving room for other matters to tend to. Matters that she tended to prefer far over her normal day to day duties.

    Now however her stomach ruled the hour, and the Lupine found herself making her way through halls and corridors, intent on the mess hall. She was more than happy to satisfy her culinary cravings in such surroundings, as her food preferences weren't so particular. Hunger ruled the moment, and she was not about to deny herself.

  3. #63
    Henry McDonnaught
    As he entered, Donut neatly side-stepped around a staggering couple who tumbled to the floor in a flurry of grappling arms and legs. He leaned on the bar. Had someone mentioned swagger?

    "A pint o'Correlian thanks, mate"

    He grinned goodnaturedly, noticed Jamo and Kelly and gave them a greeting nod.

    "Who're the lovers?" he asked to noone in particular.

  4. #64
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    I saw stars as I pitched to the ground, my head colliding with hers as we fell. I had no idea why she thought it was a good idea. I was giving as good as I was getting on that one, that much had to be true. My bell rung, I just decided to use leverage and pound down on her with a half dozen body shots, at least until I felt alright to stand again.

  5. #65
    Though he'd narrowly avoided being dragged down by Carre, that didn't mean Jamo was out of the fight yet. Prent was still on the offence and whether because the guy irked him, or just because it seemed like the most appropriate thing to do in the situation, Joker decided now was a good time to thump the guy one. He jerked Sanis' shoulder up with one hand, whilst the other swung hard for the spacer's head.

  6. #66
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sssmoke me a kjipperrr, jI'll be back forrr brrreakfassst!

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    Cirr watched as another Rogue pilot finally actively joined in the fight. Now Sanis was outnumbered 2 to 1.

    The big felinoid still stood idly by. Not quite enough lopsided odds.

  7. #67
    Kelly had made his way back to the bar, opting for a pint instead of getting involved in a fight that was, for once, not his. Sanis was the dominant, this time. He seemed to even want it, too and Miss Inirial didn't seem adverse to obliging him. He approached the bar, seeing Donut there and grinned.

    "About time you showed up." He commented. He heard Henry's question and shrugged, though he knew full-well what was up. He turned halfway to the barkeep and asked for a pint of Corellian, much as Donut had. Receiving the requested beverage in short order after asking, he thanked the barkeep and turned back to the view of the fray, leaning against the bartop.

    "Well... blondie there's Sanis Prent and this kind of thing is, well, normal for him. Didn't I tell you about the guy? We got some history, him and I." And then he gestured to the dark-haired beauty beneath the aforementioned Prent. "And that is supposed to be Bailey's replacement. And you know, a pretty lady... I guess Jamo couldn't help himself."

    Perris shook his head and laughed, taking a gulp of the ale afterwards, letting out a long breath of refreshment after swallowing.

  8. #68
    Henry McDonnaught
    "Oh, thats Prent?" Donut's interest piqued slightly, as it does when a reputation preceeds the actual individual.

    Henry twisted round for a second look, catching just in time to see Jamo swing a haymaker at the object of appraisal's head.

    "Doesn't look much from here" he observed with amusement, "especially if Joker can land a punch on him"

    He lifted his glass, "The new girl's cute, though."

  9. #69
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    She cut a serene figure, striding down the corridor at an even pace, her off-white robes spot-free. She nodded to all she passed, and they to her, but beneath that calm exterior was a stomach waiting to be released.

    Brushing a strand of hair back, the Lupine Jedi rounded a corner and caught site of the doors that would lead her into the mess hall.

    She smiled to no one in particular as she approached.

  10. #70
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    Her ribs were going to despise her in the morning., they definitely hurt right now. Breathing hurt, for that matter, as she tried to scramble backwards. Out from underneath Sanis, in the less than delicate conglomeration of limbs that they'd landed, frak no, she wasn't even going there.

    Carré made a mental note to thank Jamo at some point for the hand, whether he was intentionally helping her or just after the pilot for his own agenda. Now, either Sanis' hands were getting a bit friendlier or the back of her head had hit the floor harder than she'd originally thought. As Jamo pulled back on Sanis' shoulder, she brought her right knee up hard right where it would hurt the most if he didn't get off of her.

  11. #71
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Jamo lifting me up and delivering a cross at least saved me the trouble of dealing with Carré's low blow, as I was jerked up enough so that she kicked hard at my inside thigh. Still, more than enough to send me off balance, and I tumbled to the floor in a heap, my ears ringing from the shot across my face.

    Tasting blood, I reached out along the floor for the closest thing at my disposal, which was an unoccupied chair. I used its leverage to hoist myself up, then upturned it, and brought it around to drop on peoples' heads.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta View Post

    Cirr watched as another Rogue pilot finally actively joined in the fight. Now Sanis was outnumbered 2 to 1.

    The big felinoid still stood idly by. Not quite enough lopsided odds.
    "No. Swagger is a slang word in basic then?" she asked, eyes narrowed in wonder at Sanis' odds decreasing when another pilot entered the fray. Saricia sensed Cirrsseeto readying to pounce if needed.

    But something else had forced eyes away from the fight. The familiar scent of her teacher had invigorated her senses and she looked towards the direction of Lok, but the crowd was far too thick to see her just yet ...

  13. #73
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sssmoke me a kjipperrr, jI'll be back forrr brrreakfassst!

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    Cirr looked over about the same time as the Lupine did, and his ears fell slack at the sight of a big glass of petrol getting ready to pour on this open fire. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply as Lok s'Ilancy came in at probably not a good time!

    "Jai'carre e' rreessa nai! Now, Sanjis wjill trry to fjight the whole galley forr surre."

    Shaking his head, the exasperated felinoid took to examining his claws one by one as he slid them out. He'd gone a whole month without breaking a nail too.

  14. #74

    The word exploded into existence as the chair slammed into Jamo's side, one elbow coming up protectively to deflect the shot from crashing into his head. The collision sent a tremor through his bones like a plucked string, striking just the right – or wrong, depending on your point of view – chord with Jakatta. He sucked in breath through his teeth and threw a jab wild and fast, meaning to catch Prent off guard and take advantage of the time that he had his hands full.

  15. #75
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    A chair?

    How cliché.

    With neither of the two men paying any attention to her, she rolled to the side and flipped neatly to her feet - but not without a grimace of pain shooting across her features. At least it was something she could handle; her brothers used to deal out worse when they were all younger.

    She heard the murmurs shooting through the crowd of onlookers and paid them no mind. Being so new to the Wheel, she hadn't the faintest notion of who was approaching the fray.

    Instead, she stepped around Jamo and Sanis and with a rough twist tried to wrench the chair out of Sanis' grasp while he was distracted - she had every intention of flipping it around in her hands and hitting him across the back of his knees to knock him down.

  16. #76
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    The crowd parted before her, their murmurings falling silent as they watched the Jedi stride forward at a clipped pace towards the fight.

    Her once amiable mood now instantly soured, s'Il's features were set in a stern scowl. This was the Wheel, not some spacers brawling den, and fights such as this were unacceptable in her mind.

    Two of the combatants she didn't know, but the third... she swore under her breath. Why was she not surprised?

    One hand went up to deflect Jamo's strike, her fingers closing around his wrist. Pulling suddenly, she used his own momentum to send him to the ground. Her other hand took a hold of the chair as Carré and Sanis seemed to briefly wrestle for possession, wresting it from the both of them in one clean, powerful motion. It clattered to the deck a short distance away, and very much out of reach.

    The Lupine clenched the front of Carré's shirt and held her at bay while shifting her feet to stand between Carré and Sanis.

    "Stop this."

    Narrowed eyes, one blue and the other a dead white, went to each of the three pilots.


  17. #77
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    Jamo's jab went full-through my guard, and hit my nose dead on. I felt the pop that I knew would land me in the infirmary. Shit. Well, even the best statues on Coruscant had a few cracks in them. I recovered, just about ready to send the chair across his face when Carré nearly snatched it from my grasp. I wrestled with her with poor leverage for a moment, only to see Lok s'Ilancy, the bitch who put me in this situation to begin with, glide in and piss all over my good time.

    I glared at her, wild-eyed and full of adrenaline, bleeding from multiple cuts, including a broken nose and a busted lip. She sure had a lot of gall, didn't she.

    "Should've expected to see you drop in just in time to babysit your..."

    ...I kicked a rising Jamo square in his chest, sending him back down where he'd come from.

    "...fucking lifer boyscouts!"

  18. #78
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Carré stood perfectly still, her limited sense of self preservation kicking in as the woman separated them. The fistful of fabric in her fist pulled the rest tight across her ribs and made her wince briefly as she continued to glare at Sanis from where she stood.

    There was a palpable aura of power around the woman, that broadcast 'do not fuck with me' in no uncertain terms.

    So she waited, instead, fingertips gently tracing her bleeding lip.

  19. #79
    Henry McDonnaught
    Henry sat up straighter as he saw s'Ilancy enter the bar room and signalled hurriedly to the barkeep for another brew. Perris looked round to see what or who had captured Donut's sudden attention.

    Hank hadn't remembered Prent at first, but Loklorien was not someone he'd easily forget. He had met them both on Prents intial arrival to the Wheel, along with his Cizerack mechanic - who was probably round here too, now that Henry thought about it, looking around. He could be forgiven for not remembering the cocky pilot - pilots come and go - but not the lovely Jedi, who, he realised, seemed to be always in a grump.

    The second beer arrived and Donut grabbed it up, flashing a smile to Kelly beside him. "Bet ya 50 creds she leaves with me"

    He stepped over Jamo who was recovering his feet and ducked around Prent to stand before s'Il and a huffing Carre, "Ello Master Loklorien, great to see ya again"
    Henry nodded a hello to Inirial and extended the pint towards the glowering Jedi, "Beer?"

  20. #80
    Kelly saw exactly who he was looking to and remembered the Master Jedi well. With Sanis, there inevitably came Loklorien s'Ilancy. No love lost between those to. From his experience, the case was rarely otherwise. He laughed, knowing well enough what s'Il was like when Henry made his proclamation.

    "Alright, you're on." He agreed, patting Donut on the back as the man walked away. He sniggered. "The Force be with you."

    And what he didn't say was that Donut would lose, terribly, either for not wanting to warn him or the fact that his fellow pilot walked away before he ever got the chance. He just shook his head and settled back against the bar counter, quietly sipping at his ale and continuing to watch everything that went on.

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