Coruscant - Lise Tarkin's Suite - Military Housing/Mainz District

Ten days after the assassination attempt by Vega Van-Derveld

This visit to her Mother's place came without warning. After everything that occurred on Doldur, Miranda Tarkin demanded answers as to validity of Lianna's claims of being her Sister - who was a Jedi no less! In her heart, the Moff knew the truth of situation and felt pangs of regret in handling her twin's appearance out of ignorant fear. Lianna's Force abilities scared all reason out of Miranda, overshadowing the inexplicable elation of having a direct blood relative alive!

She demanded answers and only one person could provide them since her Sister had yet to be captured by her Inquisitors. With things boiling down to simmer back on Doldur, there was enough time to make the trip into the Inner Core and confront her Mother on the details of Lianna's existence with no Inquisitorial involvement. She did not need to scare the information out of her, much to Valten's protests. This was her Mother! There was a damn good reason as to why this information had been kept from her. Miranda had rationalized Lise's reasoning was similar to her own in keeping her relationship with Sorsha a secret. Either truth would have been damaging to their family's career within the Empire.

The chime had been pressed and Miranda waited in a tailor fitted black blazer and skirt business suit, opting for civilian attire instead of her uniform. This wasn't some subordinate on the other side of the door that needed a reminder of who was in charge. On either side of her waited two SpecOps from Imperial Command that had been assigned to Miranda during her stay here. They had been approved by the Office of the Inquisitorate and would remain outside her mother's apartment once the initial sweep was completed.