Sensing a tiny shift of trust form in Kale, Navaria smiled and gave a purposeful thought to his question. "Well, the Assassins have Ap Kormar for their center. It would be an upset if his team were to loose in the playoffs ..."

* * *

After a rousing hour of debate about sports statistics over dessert, Navaria led the young man to her personal quarters located in the general housing facilities for most of the factory workers. It was here that the Jedi could blend into common faces, unlike the upscale housing found over one hundred levels above. The pair spoke in relative silence, not wishing unwanted attention directed their way again, but most of the beings here shambled along, oblivious to who walked among them. Their minds were filled with work orders and families - they didn't have time to think of the new threat of Jedi their newly crowned Empress professed.

"Not much further now," she said as they stepped off the lift onto level 165, brown eyes offering reassurance as her face was covered once more. "It's a short walk into sector 4."

This level had two story housing with steel ramps and stairways connecting either floor, but it was the same white polished paneling devoid of any real emotion that could be found on some of the administration levels. the designers thought of practicality and how many bodies could they cram into each section since the station required thousands of workers.