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Thread: The Wake

  1. #101
    TheHolo.Net Poster
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Patience Darklighter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    "Yeah? No shit, you take any hoople-headed cocksucker off the street and they probl'y do too, so fuckin' what?"

    The barkeep paused, ejecting the shells from the repeater before easing it onto the countertop.

    "Just a precaution, Miss McQueen. I run an honest establishment."

    Patience's mouth contorted as if she were chewing on unspent profanity. She glowered at the bartender, but let his discretion slide, before turning back to Shoney.

    "Let's fuckin' see 'em. Skin them smokewagons."

  2. #102
    The next morning...

    Andy rolled onto her stomach as the first rays of sunlight began to peek through the dusty glass of her bedroom window. Burrowing herself beneath the thick comforter, she nestled herself close to the warm body lying beside her. She wanted nothing more than to stay where she was for the next week, but even she knew that at some point she and Jim would have to leave the comfort of the bed. Course, it was only just sun-up. There was plenty of time before they'd have to go about whatever daily activities they chose to busy themselves with.

    For a few brief moments she considered sitting up to fish a cigarette from the nightstand, but Andy abandoned that thought soon enough as she dozed off into a light slumber once more.

  3. #103
    Two Dollar Jim
    Jim cracked an eye as he woke. Still lying motionless in bed, he discretely observed Andy stir, wake, then return to sleep. When she was asleep again, he rose from bed himself. Slowly aiming to dress without causing a stir, he caught sight of his gun belt on the opposite table. It had a way of sobering the sleep from his eyes.

    He looked out the window to watch the growing light creasing over the distant mountains. Another day alive. Jim smiled. Just when he was thinking about enjoying life again, the violence of the world was coming back full in force. The bad news he'd heard in Virginia City wasn't his problem, but it also wasn't going to get out of his way. Either he'd have to skip town to miss it, or he'd have to pick a side.

    He reached for his gun belt, hesitated, and put his hand back at his side.

  4. #104
    It wasn't long before Andy sensed Jim's absence, and she pulled herself awake to shift onto her back and sit up. Holding the comforter over her chest with one hand, she rested the other in her lap. She stared at him for a few moments, her lips curling downwards into a slight frown.

    Leaning over, she pulled at one of the smokes on the sidetable, lighting it up with practiced movements. Andy inhaled deeply, looking from Jim to his gunbelt, then back to Jim.

    "Y'oughtta leave that there."

  5. #105
    Two Dollar Jim
    He looked back at where she lay.

    "I can make that choice now. Can't make it much longer."

    He reached to a nearby chair, finding the rumpled heap that was his shirt and pulled it over his shoulders, working the buttons.

    "You decide yet?"

  6. #106
    Slowly, Andy eased herself to the side of the bed, letting her legs fall over the edge. As her feet hit the wooden planks of the floor, she gingerly tested her injured leg.

    "Already told you last night."

    From its' spot on one of the bedposts, she pulled down her shirt, and with her smoke firmly lodged between her lips, she pulled it on. Weren't no point in buttoning it up yet though.

    " 'Sides. I know you ain't gonna be able to always have th'choice, but you got it now," she rose carefully to stand.

    "Best enjoy it while we still can."

    Andy smiled then, as she made her way to him, and reaching out she took over the task of buttoning up his shirt.

  7. #107
    Two Dollar Jim
    "It's too damn early for thinkin' this big. I'm off to hustle up some breakfast."

    He set his hat atop his head and smiled coyly.

    "Reckon that'll be breakfast for two if you're an early bird."

  8. #108
    Andy gave a chuckle at that, and gamely removed his hat.

    "I got plenty of food here; don't need a hat on for workin' in the kitchen."

    Hooking a finger into the waistband of his well-worn jeans, she pulled him close, flashing a smile as she stood on her toes. Didn't matter; she was still well below his eyeline.

    "Ain't really all that hungry t'be honest though," she still grinned, gently nipping at his jawline.

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