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Thread: Sanis Prent and the Urns of Korriban, Pt. 2

  1. #61
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

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    Sasseeri Reeouurra's Avatar
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    "To be honest jI'm not surrre exactly what jit jis, but my sourrrces tell me jit's prrrjiceless." Sasseeri plinked a pen on her desk with her fingernails as she talked. "An ancjient sjith burrrjial urrrn of some kjind."

    The lack of noise on the other end of the connection could mean nothing, but Sasseeri was sure it meant that the Director was suddenly listening more closely. "jI beljieve therrre arrre two morrre, jidentjical to thjis one. jI have leads on them, and once jI rrrecoverrr them jI wjill contact you fjirrrst - jif you wjish."

  2. #62
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Back in the Rebel Fleet

    s'Il had raised a huge fuss, and now seemed to be stabilizing. I couldn't say the same. I paced in a small area, eyeing Serena and tossing an uneasy look to Zem. They seemed to share something that I didn't know.

  3. #63
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "How long do you reckon it'll be before she can be back on her feet?"

    I had the inclination that Lok had shared herself with the Jedi healer. For better or worse, it was done.

    "You understand the seriousness of the situation, yes?"

  4. #64
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    R. S. Esalis's Avatar
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    The second Urn.

    And of all the people to have found such a thing.

    "How... fortuitous a coincidence."

    Her voice was low and even, her words meticulously pronounced. Sasseeri Reeouurra was not the type of person that Esalis would normally wish to associate with. The other woman was a parasite on the working government. She gained her fortunes from others' misfortunes, and while even her purring accent was enough to grate on her ears, Director Esalis knew when to acknowledge an advantage of this type.

    For the moment, she ignored the mention of the other urns. The Dantooine urn was not something she wished to think of for the time being.

    "I have to wonder, Ms. Reeouurra, why you would contact me with such information; unless you are making me an offer."

  5. #65
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

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    Sasseeri Reeouurra's Avatar
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    Her lips parted in a smile. "Of courrrse, Madame Dirrrectorrr. jI offerrr the urrrn to you forrr a paltrrry ten mjilljion crrredjits." Sasseeri tapped her manicured nails on the desk. "A one tjime offerrr, of courrrse. The prrrice goes up consjiderrrably jif, say, thjis goes to auctjion."

    you make me come... you make me complete...
    you make me completely miserable

  6. #66
    The Rebel Fleet

    "I understand that you have bitten off a bit more than you can chew," the Jedi said slowly. "Loklorien is stable now - her own body will continue the healing, at its own rate. The irritant has been removed and the taint gone. She should be mobile in a few hours, due to her advanced metabolism."

    Serena gestured to a medical droid, who moved in quietly and efficiently started an intravenous line into the inert woman's arm. "She requires rest and nutrients for now."

    She picked up the dish that contained the metallic fragment she'd removed from the other Jedi's body, and frowned. "The artifact that this shard was separated from is too dangerous to be held in your safe keeping." She looked at Sanis Prent as she said this, and added, "I might ask what it is you intend to do with it."

    there is no passion; there is serenity
    there is no death; there is the Force

  7. #67
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    "How very mercenary of you," Esalis muttered. She did not like bargaining with anyone; least of all Sasseeri Reeouurra. Quiet for a few moments, the Director let the silence between the two hang for a few more seconds.

    "You must know that due to your reputation, I can only expect a catch of some sort.

    "You yourself are a large enough red flag in this situation that I find myself exercising caution despite my agreeing to such a sum. What sort of assurances can you give me on its' legitimacy."

  8. #68
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serena Laran View Post
    The Rebel Fleet

    "I understand that you have bitten off a bit more than you can chew," the Jedi said slowly. "Loklorien is stable now - her own body will continue the healing, at its own rate. The irritant has been removed and the taint gone. She should be mobile in a few hours, due to her advanced metabolism."

    Serena gestured to a medical droid, who moved in quietly and efficiently started an intravenous line into the inert woman's arm. "She requires rest and nutrients for now."

    She picked up the dish that contained the metallic fragment she'd removed from the other Jedi's body, and frowned. "The artifact that this shard was separated from is too dangerous to be held in your safe keeping." She looked at Sanis Prent as she said this, and added, "I might ask what it is you intend to do with it."
    "I can ask you the same. Whatever that thing is, I'm no Jedi, and it isn't a liability to me. We don't have the luxury of time to sit here and talk it over, because there are two more of these things, and they might be in the wrong hands already."

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