Laurent gave her a nod, and then a smiled. His first real one in about two weeks. He didn't smiled as a general rule, he didn't like to, he always thought it gave away too much about people. But at that moment, in that occassion, and in the presence of that woman, a smile just came to his face, without him really meaning to.

"Alrighty," he answered, and the smile faded as quickly as it had appeared. He followed her into the kitchen, spotting the island. He put his hat down on it and then slid into one of the chairs. He got comfortable, looking around the kitchen. He had deducted already that this was not a good time of year for this place. At least he assumed that since he was the entirety of the customer count. But he preferred it quiet, and if he wa a ranch owner, he would have preferred it quiet. Which, he was a ranch owner, but he didn't have people come and board there.

"So ya'll have an up season?"