Kylie had been thinking long and hard in the shower, her mind curling around the idea of how she came to find him trustworthy and was actually empathetic towards his new situation. What was the world coming to these days? Honestly? Nobody cared much for human life let alone robotic life. Mallepa was so dangerous and it was almsot a shame that humans were taking their hatred out on a dying breed of artificials when in reality they should have been killing themselves, from what she saw Number One was more caring and generous than most humans and it was very damaging to how she felt about the C.F.F and her choice line of work.

Kylie liked Number One and felt that she at least owed it to him and his friends to show him that there was still hope. She sighed out as she walked out of the bathroom, her silk robe tied tightly around her waist, a towel draped around her shoulders rubbing her hair dry. The phone at her bedside rang and brought her out of her new line of thinking: Number One's designated name! It was a task she was finding very entertaining.

She walked over to the table where her small white phone sat in its charging base. She picked it up and put it to her ear.

"This is Kylie." She stated in her formal line she always used.

"Hey! It's me, Wes." The grin on her face slid. It was her overbearing partner at work who seemed to always call at the wrong times.

"Wes, what can I do for you?" She wanted to keep this short in case Number One or any of the AI's came to ask her something. To have someone heard in the background would cause Wes to pry and he'd definitely end up dropping by to check things out.

"Well, I don't know if you have been updated on the new situation." Kylie frowned, waiting for a response, but it was Wes he always wanted someone to initiate the conversation considering he loved to talk. She continued to rub her head.

"No, I am afraid not, Wes. Why don't you tell me." She could hear him smiling through the phone.

"We have a lead on a group of robots heading out into the country, at least we suspect. The leader of the pack is being broadcast all on television." Kylie's heart almost stopped. She looked around the room and searched for her remote. When she found it she almost dived at it and quickly turned it on the news, seeing Number One's face. Her jaw dropped and she almost wanted to make a sound, but realized the enemy was on the phone with her.

"I see. Well, I haven't spotted any. If I do-"

"I think I should come on over and investigate. I mean, I don't want him harming you or anything." Oh she knew he'd love to come on over and stay a while! She frowned.

"No, Wes, no. I am fine really. Look I have a lot to do today. I'll call you later. Bye!" She hung up quickly and tossed the phone on the bed. This wasn't good. Who spotted them? How long ago? She felt nervous, all good feelings were gone. Wesley would most definitely be popping in sometime soon. She needed to dress and warn the others.