Hey everyone,

For those of you who RP characters that survived the purge, I am interested in coordinating one epic RP detailing where we were and what we were doing when the purge took place. Anyone who was a Jedi at the time of the purge would be welcomed to jump in, but I wanted to see what kind of reception this idea would receive. It'll be a great way for all of us to coordinate our stories and know what went on for each of us.

For example, Jeseth responded to the "distress call" and arrived at the Temple, found himself assaulted by Clone Troopers. He managed to (barely) find his sister who was hanging onto life by a thread. He left Coruscant with her, etc. His sister on the other hand would probably write about the massacre of young ones at the hands of Anakin Skywalker. So, everyone would have their own take on what happen.

If you're interested in taking part in this RP let me know so we can get some sort of posting order going. I'm leaving this thread up for a week before I go ahead with the RP. If anyone knows of this already having been done, let me know too.