James fidgited outside the Council chambers, waiting until she was given the signal to indicate she could proceed inside. She'd made an appointment to speak to the Council about... certain matters that she'd recently been made aware of. She glanced sideways at Aaron, who was leaning against the wall of the passageway. Not quite lounging, because his eyes were watching her like a hawk. As though he were afraid she might disappear, or turn into a wampa.

The knight swallowed hard, and forced a tiny smile in his direction. Once he'd heard her news, he'd insisted on coming to see the Council with her, as moral support. She wasn't sure how he'd help, but decided that it wouldn't hurt. After all, he already knew the worst and hadn't turned away. Aaron noticed her look, and came up off the wall, attentive.

"The Council will see you now." The Jedi outside the doors with them gestured them both towards the chambers. He'd already scanned them, and they were cleared for entrance, so the only thing that remained was... walking through those huge double doors. James squared her shoulders against the questions she knew would come, and almost stalked across the threshold, Aaron on her heels like a guardian angel.

The Council members turned almost as one to watch the pair walk into the room, and James' step faltered. Regaining her hold on confidence by spotting Master D'an's face, ( don't look sympathetic frell you, I don't want to cry again! ) James made it the rest of the way to the center of the room, and waited for a Council member to speak first.