Jedi Council

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  1. Hobgoblin
    In character, it makes sense for Hob to have a seat on the Council, so I'm fine with that if that's what everyone wants to do. I'm not certain he'd take it 100% seriously (he's still young for his species, after all) but that's probably more fun, not less.

    In terms of who *should* be on the Council based on relative age and experience, I'd say Zem and Serena should be joined by Hob, Ilias, and Navaria.

    Hob will probably be the one who breaks things. Unless it's Ilias.
  2. Ilias Nytrau
    Ilias Nytrau
    You and me will be the best of friends, little green one.
  3. Navaria Tarkin
    Navaria Tarkin
    How did I end up being the responsible one outta the three?!
  4. Hobgoblin
    You win in the goody-two-shoes department.
  5. Ilias Nytrau
    Ilias Nytrau
    Ilias is young for his species, too, but... he's still quite responsible. In fact, he's been adulting for far too long. A good, bright-spirited friend like Hob is just what he needs!
  6. Navaria Tarkin
    Navaria Tarkin
    Aww... a new bromance is forming. I feel it ..
  7. Halajiin Rabeak
    Halajiin Rabeak
    I'd nominate Hal, if he were still on Ossus...

    ...just to see the looks on the current Council's faces!
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