Operation Barking Mynock - Borleias

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  1. Rez Ace
    Rez Ace
    Cool. Just let me know what post it is.
  2. Akilah
    Will we be starting on the ship with a briefing, or dive right into the action from the beginning? Just putting some ideas together already. lol
  3. R. S. Esalis
    R. S. Esalis
    Ack sorry! I got swept up in other messes I was thinking that we would sort of start with the action right out of the gate. Maybe a few posts between Esalis and Ace, then a cut down to the planet for Akilah and Linnea to begin their operations? Unless either of you ladies wanted to be up top instead? I know that having Trask down below is a must, since he's a superb ground guy and tons of fun to play with.
  4. Rez Ace
    Rez Ace
    I'm cool with anything, as long as I get to be part of the fun! I thought it would be cool if the fleet had a little more of a role instead of just a hub. Perhaps at some point it has to send a few ships to scan an area, or maybe even space combat.
  5. Akilah
    I would imagine the fleet, or at least Rez's ship, would be in charge of sensor sweeps. LFI scans of areas around us and give us a head's up about things coming up. Perhaps also at certain points we can call in for an aerial bombardment on a site, or target of opportunity when we're outnumbered. There are a lot of things that the navy does to help during an operation like this.
  6. R. S. Esalis
    R. S. Esalis
    I'm thinking that there will definitely be need for air presence. For as ground-heavy as I'm hoping us to get, we're gonna need air support. Plus some chum time with the Director, her deputy directors, and Admiral Ace
  7. Akilah
  8. R. S. Esalis
    R. S. Esalis
    Apologies for the wait. here is the thread:


    Rez, feel free to post next, then Akilah can jump in
  9. Akilah
    Sounds good.
  10. Qayle Trevora
    Qayle Trevora
    Do ya need another?
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