Operation Barking Mynock is Imperial Intel's push to root out a Rebel cell from Borleias that had dug itself in after the treaty, unwilling to honor the peace accord. They are ultimately a smallish group, but effective in their ability to stay hidden while striking at Imperial targets on the planet. Director Esalis and Deputy Directors Linnea and Akilah are taking great pains to make sure that this cell is rooted out and stricken from Borleias. There are no intentions of returning any prisoners to the Alliance if any are captured. Instead they will be taken to Coruscant for interrogation, followed by public trial and summary execution. If anyone wants to be involved, post here and we can get the ball rolling.
Operation Barking Mynock, seriously Mother? I know operation names can be random, but it sounds like you got that one by pulling a string on a see and say.
/raises hand.
/raises hers too
If you need any soldier boots on the ground let me know. Jarvan and his Imperial Commandos are at the ready.
I mean obviously I'm in. After all, there could be Rebels lurking on any number of the pristine beaches and resorts. That would require an agent who can blend, and probably a cabana bartender who can do that too.
We'll definitely need some boots on the ground, so welcome aboard. This is going to be a smash and crush, as the intel for the cell's location has already been provided at great pains by other operatives off camera; this will give us a chance to just jump right in to the action And sorry (not really), but no time for beaches and resorts.
If any matters in space arise, I'd be happy to offer my fleet in assistance.
I'll definitely be needing on overhead presence to oversee operations.
I'm going to start putting together the first post. Rez, I'd like to use your flagship as my base of operations.