Story Ideas / Plotter

  1. Atton Kira
    Atton Kira
    Story Arcs

    Annwn Distillery - Acquire the station. Visit the station. Make an NPC booze droid (Buddy?).

    Employee Pokémon - Acquire the Smuggler. Hairball sad times. Acquire the Wussy Nerd.

    Enclave - Spend more time there. Fetch the Emerald Knight (driving lesson!) and park it there. Turn the Wussy Nerd into John Tracy?

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    To Do List

    Help out the Starcrossed Lovers. Employees? Associates? Work out the Exchange's investment in Corellia/Resistance (if any).

    Sit down with Sanis Prent, and work out if/how Black Sun and the Exchange are going to interact. Will Elysian help "acquire" things for Black Sun's smuggling run into Corellia?

    Ben, the two of us need look no more. We have both found what we were looking for! Yes, an excuse to do a thread, so we can all meet Ben, and maybe Shuvin too, we've planned this out do-doooo...

    Tenloss encounters, once they're established. Sadie K'Vesh worked with Tenloss in the past - she knows yo' computers.

    * * *

    Thread Ideas

    Heist/job at some sort of swanky party/auction. Mostly an excuse to get Vittore in a tuxedo, and to get Vhiran to do up his tie properly.

    Repossession. Break in somewhere and steal something. A speeder? A ship? Something that makes use of their thieving skills while still sorta being semi above board and legit.

    A "Doctor Who" episode. We're somewhere (a cruise ship? a resort? a hotel/casino on Cloud City?) for benign / recreational / regular day at the office type reasons, and then everything starts going bonkers. Turns into a situation where Montegue / Antilles / K'Vesh / etc skills are maybe needed because there's a "monster" aboard, or terrorists, or somesuch.

    Visit Elerion. Creepy abandoned Kalresh asylum visit? You bring the shotgun, I'll pack the rock salt.
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