For Roleplays set in the Star Wars galaxy.
Reclaimed from the Empire by the Alliance of Free Planets, Jovan Station is a cooperative effort between the Alliance and the Cizerack Pride in the hopes of becoming a symbol of unity, where all can come together and work out their differences for better or for worse. Jovan is just inside Alliance space on the Imperial/Alliance border, in the Gordian Reach.
Despite Imperial occupation, Cloud City remains a hotbed for smugglers, thieves, and freedom fighters. The Cumulus Casino is the center of Black Sun's network of criminal operations.
Full of intrigue and mystery, the Corellian System is a hot bed of insurrection in Imperial space. From Drall to Selonia to Corellia herself, you'll find fiercely independent spacers, people demanding freedom, and an Empire trying to maintain a firm hold on a system that is - at the best of times - difficult to control.