Conversation Between Vittore Montegue and Sadie K'Vesh

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh! Hey there, badass.

  2. Fist bump? Really?

    Just get over here and hug me, y' gorgeous dumbass.

  3. *ahem*

    I...I mean... fist bump? Yeah, that'll work.

  4. Yeah, I capiche... Sorry, Cap'n. Won't happen again.

  5. Really? You're gonna play that game with me? Alright then, new rule.

    No one touches my baby. Capiche?

  6. Was only borrowin' it... An' y' said I could make use o' anythin' I needed. Weren't gonna let nothin' happen t' it. Know how much it means t' y'.
  7. Well, well, well. Look who finally got back. The baby-thieves.

    Wanna explain to me what the hell, Miss K'Vesh?
  8. So, uh, hey there, a' guess. I'm, uh...

    *sigh* Karabast... what is wrong with me?

    Hey, Sid. I was, uh... I mean, if you're not... y'know...

    *deep breath*

    Iwasthinkingofmaybewatchingamovie, doyoumaybewannawatchitwithme? Youdonthavetonobigdealsorryforbotheringyouokaybye.
  9. Riiight Cap'n. Like that's gonna go an' happen.

  10. Easy wi' the pokin' there, Miss K.

    If y' ain't careful, I might get all kinds a' ideas about pokin' y' back.

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