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Mu Satach

  1. Two Years Laterish-ish

    I nicely(?) walked off my job. Thought about grad school. Applied to grad school. Rejected by grad school. Said screw you grad school! (Kinda did an internal happy dance I was wait listed and rejected.) Started freelancing. Have managed to not die yet. Spend most my time working as a media speicalist for a non-profit now with a few clients on the side.

    So that sums everything up to date.
  2. Why Gen X-ers are bitter nhilistic alcoholics summed up in one movie franchise

    Placeholder for an idea I want to write.
  3. Alright - a year laterish

    I might read previous entries. Most likely, I will not.

    Lemme Esplain... No! There is too much.
    Let me sum up.

    My boss was fired, I became the boss, I've had a year of OMG! I have 'sponsibilities and a 6 figure budget to manage.

    I'm getting the hang of things, so now back to our regularly scheduled program.

    I've felt the need to sit, reflect, and slow my brain down enough to come to some conclusions about choices before me and ...
  4. Convulsion ulsion, what's your malfunction???

    So sunday night in bed I had a hilarious time with convulsions. I've had them before, I'll most likely have them again. The first time I had convulsions I had no clue what was going on and promptly panicked. Now, it's more of a *sigh* these again. It's not caused by a seizure, nor do I have to worry about a lot of things associated with convulsions. But it's still freaky to have my body jerking uncontrollably like a floppy fish out of water.

    flip flop-op-op-op-op *breathe*
  5. So, I passed out this morning.

    That was fun. Not sure what caused my blood pressure to drop. I know that last night at the gym I kinda over did it on the treadmill. My peak heart rate got up to 178. I'm not exactly comfortable with that rate. I'm starting to think I might need to see my doc sooner than our scheduled tri/bi-annual meeting. =P

    I'm also doing things in my sleep again. I think. Actually, I know. I have this cool little app that helps keep me focused on what I'm doing. ...
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