I nicely(?) walked off my job. Thought about grad school. Applied to grad school. Rejected by grad school. Said screw you grad school! (Kinda did an internal happy dance I was wait listed and rejected.) Started freelancing. Have managed to not die yet. Spend most my time working as a media speicalist for a non-profit now with a few clients on the side. So that sums everything up to date.
Placeholder for an idea I want to write.
Over the past summer I've changed doctors and there was a change in my medication. The upside is that I'm really feeling better these days. I don't have to take sleeping pills anymore. And as long as I schedule days of rest and periodic down time, the rest of my time at work and at home has turned into something productive at last. Things are looking up. The downside to all of this positivity is that I'm falling back into old habits. It's 10 'til midnight, and I just spent several ...