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Thread: Dalamar

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Quell thyself! I think your reply was a bit harsh to him. Can we not to that in the future?

  2. #2
    Kar'h'tzen Shaed
    Indeed. I believe we get to be as rude as we want to be, IC. But OOC, try PMing him to run spellcheck and sprinkle some punctuation marks in his posts rather than responding like that.

    Just my two credits.

  3. #3
    Well there are times you do need to be forceful with people

    *Points at Trent Static's BS as a reason for forcefulness.

    But that being said...I think a PM would have worked. I'm gonna PM Dalamar and have him redo his stuff and we'll go from there.

  4. #4
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    I was in a rather foul mood when I wrote that. A combination of reading that crap and my ISP behaving poorly.

    I am harsh sometimes. I probably should have PMed him, but I just didn't think about it.

  5. #5
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    Its better than the pulp fiction quote I wanted to use tho.

  6. #6
    imported_Taja Loraan
    Well .. the Valamar guy didn't exactly respond in a very understanding manner, so I guess it's even. =/ Condemning TBH members OOC like that wasn't very nice on his part either. -_-

  7. #7
    Well he proved he was an idiot too...he hasn't even responded to the PM I sent him...


  8. #8
    imported_Taja Loraan
    Why should he reply? We're all jerks who treat him like crap, remember?

  9. #9
    I told him he could post again and see how it went this time. I was quite polite with it too.

    I told him he did need to clean up his grammatical stuff and that it wouldn't guarentee entrance but that he should post anyway.

    For all we know he proves his ability...suuuuure....

    Actually he hasn't gotten it yet for some odd reason. My mistake, but if he doesn't reply I wouldn't be suprised.

  10. #10
    imported_Taja Loraan
    Labelling us all jerks wasn't a very good first move, IMO. He should have expected some sort of a comment about his grammar, since well TBH is known to have certain standards regarding that sort of thing.

    Sorry. I just have this thing about people who're too judgmental.

  11. #11
    Oh I have no problem with your complaints. And I agree wit' em too.

  12. #12
    imported_Taja Loraan
    You do?? Well .. that's a first. Maybe you're just very sleep-deprived.

  13. #13
    Labelling us all jerks wasn't a very good first move, IMO. He should have expected some sort of a comment about his grammar, since well TBH is known to have certain standards regarding that sort of thing.

    Sorry. I just have this thing about people who're too judgmental.
    And should I disagee with that statement?

  14. #14
    imported_Taja Loraan
    .. correction. I'm the sleep-deprived one here.

  15. #15
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    I will agree his response wasn't very nice, but you have to also understand he just got beat down for his grammar. And I know that he's not a 13 year old, so he should be able to type better than that.

    BUT anyway.

    He shouldn't be judgemental, but we don't have free liscence to be judgemental to him or anyone else. Shaed is correct, I think. IC we can be as snobbish as we want.

    When we take it into OOC then we start becoming like certain other group/s that shall not be named but shall remain nameless but start with a t and an s and an e.

    Of course, a PM to the affect of, "I wanted to reply, but I coudln't quote figure out what you were saying, can you please rewrite your post so I can get your meaning?" or something.

    Does that make sense?

  16. #16
    Yup..and the PM's been sent. He's just not online to my knowledge.

  17. #17
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    I think my point is, that I don't want to see this happen in the future. I can understand bad days and bad moods, Morg (hug)..but then just don't reply at all. Let someone else deal with it.

    Heck, I'll be the PR person for TBH, I don't mind.

  18. #18
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    And please, no one take my comments the wrong way. I mean them in the nicest possible fashion, and I think everyone who's ever talked at length to me would/should know that.

  19. #19
    [Sarcasm] Nooooo [/sarcasm]

    'sall good oh Hyphenated One.

  20. #20
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    I wanted to post an image of Samuel L Jackson saying "ENGLISH, MUDDERFUBBER, DO YOU TYPE IT?!?!" (substitute words as needed)

    But I didn't =p

    I should have. At least then I could have been labled as "joking"

    As much as people knock Sieken, he's improved a lot. But is it so hard to put a period, or add italics? I mean, when I was 10 I didn't have anything like that. Sure, it was bad an stuff, but you knew what was what.

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