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Thread: Iron Man 3 (2013)

  1. #21
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    12:01am Wednesday 24th Gold class booked

    SO EXCITED!!!!!!

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  3. #23
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    I've just lent my dad Iron Man 2 after finding out he actually watched (HOLY BALLS!) and actually liked (WHAAAAAAAT!?!?!?!?) the first one.

    I love the first one, I'm not being sarcastic. It's just that the idea of my dad liking both Iron Man AND Nolans Batman films is fucking insane. His film taste is sooooo middle of the road. He hates Sci-Fi and Fantasy, would never watch a martial arts or foreign film, not into horror. It's pretty much realistic action films such as the Bourne trilogy, thrillers like "Along Came a Spider" and "Kiss the Girls", and comedies but nothing surreal.

    He watched my Blu-Rays of the first two Batmans and ended up coming to see the final installment with me and my sister and loved it. So it's looking like I'll actually get him in the cinema for Iron Man 3 too.

  4. #24
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    As if we didn't know already, here's confirmation from Paltrow that that Pepper is suiting up.

  5. #25
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    9/10, would watch again. Extremis is well adapted so you will see one of the main twists from a mile off if you have read it.

    The Mandarin..... wow that was some reimaging. Sorry, wont spoil it. It did make sense and it is set up and I really REALLY hope it drives comic book fanbois nuts. I thought it was quite chancy but pretty well executed. A very, very good villian.

  6. #26
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    I've heard some very positive feedback about the Mandarin recently. Colour me pleasantly surprised.

  7. #27
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    The Mandarin in the comics was a racist caricature, in IM3 it is anything but. And yes, is very good.

    When you see IM3, you will understand why I am not even describing The Mandarin in spoilers. There are some lines that completely give the game away very slyly early on now I think of it - the director must be laughing his ass off how he's set it all up and dangled it out there.

  8. #28
    Saw and enjoyed today. Tone is very different from any other Marvel Studios movie, which is nice and refreshing. Loved Tony's character development too: they reminded us that he's much more than just a guy with a suit.

    What they did with the Mandarin was brave, but for me it really worked. It isn't just a non-racial-stereotype version of the character, it's a total reimagining into something way more modern, and way more interesting than Fu Manchu with magic rings would have been.

    It also felt like a more mature / grown up story, which I liked. In IM and IM2, Tony was a kid with toys, but IM3 forced him to start acting like an adult.

    And dayum, all those suits were awesome.

  9. #29
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    If I'm not working this Saturday, I'll probably treat Charley to a matinee for this.

  10. #30
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    Saw it. Loved it. Laughed a lot. Particularly at the thing that no-one saw coming. Oh, I laughed until I cried!

  11. #31
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    As did I, sitting next to you darling.

    For me it was the better than the first two movies combined. I want to say it was better than Avengers Assemble (since the UK already has a film called The Avengers!) but I can't quite bring myself to do so. But if I could, I would!

    As soon as my dad has watched Thor, Captain America and Avengers, I'm seeing this again with him. It just rocked.

  12. #32
    Saw it today and loved it. For me, it was much better than the second one, maybe not quite as good as the first, just an all-around joyride.

    I really agree with the comments so far about The Mandarin...I'm so glad I wasn't too spoiled prior to seeing the movie, because The Mandarin ended up being one of the most fabulous things in the movie. I'm sure the hardcore comic book fans are pissed, but I thought it was brilliant. And exquisitely played by Ben Kingsley.

    I also liked the fact that Tony was more of an adult in this iteration, having to face the truly severe potential consequences of his actions. Seeing his Malibu home destroyed wasn't just a great action scene in the movie, it was symbolic of Tony's whole life in a lot of ways.

    And for me, the after credits scene is the best one they've done so far. Science brothers reunited!

  13. #33
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    I might return to RPing if those scrumptious Gue twins would come back. Figrin Sandwich, am I right?
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    Enjoyable movie. The Mandarin worked. For this point in the Iron Man/Avengers movie saga, this re-imagining of the character and tying in Extremis was a good call. A real legitimate threat/match for Iron Man was needed after The Avengers upped the stakes.

    There's a sense of closing a major chapter of the Iron Man/Tony Stark story, so it will be interesting to see how the new chapter begins for him in the second Avengers film. I'm hoping it will be more than just a token, "Well, time to save the world again" type of re-introduction. I guess I have enough faith in Joss Whedon to make it fit will and not be contrived.

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