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Thread: Mad Max: Fury Road

  1. #1

    Mad Max: Fury Road

    Wow, this movie has no business being this good. When I first heard of this reboot a couple of years ago I wasn't all that excited about it. Even the trailers and commercials didn't get me going. For me, it simply had too much going against it. I mean, how many reboots have we seen in the last few years that have simply been meh? A lot of 70's and 80's action flicks are getting redone and the results have been less than inspiring (I'm looking at you Robocop!!!) But I started paying attention to Fury Road when I started seeing the early reaction to the film.

    My son and I went to a late showing last night. Sadly, the theater was practically empty. I hope that word of mouth spreads for this film and people start buying tickets. I'd argue that it was better and 2/3 of the original Mad Max films. The movie simply doesn't STOP. The action keeps pounding away at you but it doesn't feel like one long mindless action sequence. Theron is great and I really liked what Tom Hardy did with his version of Max. This is one of the better action movies I've ever seen and I can't think of any recent reboot that can touch this. At 70, George Miller just put directors half his age to shame.

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  2. #2
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    My Facebook wall has blown up (haha) with people saying how good this movie is. Can't wait to see it!

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  3. #3
    This is one of the best action films I've seen in a decade, easily.

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    Sequel has already been announced.

    Gimme. *grabby hands*

    Also currently plotting how to get an appropriate vehicle to attend Wasteland Weekend. Because yes.

  5. #5
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    I saw it this weekend but the experience was somewhat soured by a drunk, who talked through various portions. Risks of the theater. I'll be seeing it again.

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    Such an amazing bit of fun

    I also thought it was awesome that Miller got the guy who played Toecutter from the first Mad Max to come back and play Joe ^_^

  7. #7
    Immortal Joe was a great villain. He seemed like he easily could have stepped off the screen from The Road Warrior.

    I read an article after starting this post that Fury Road has been in development for ages. At one point, even Gibson was attached which would have made it a direct sequel to Thunderdome. You have to wonder if Gibson's personal travails and career woes cost him a chance to return to one of his greatest characters. In a way, I think we got a better movie with Hardy because it gave us a fresh start. I think a Gibson led Fury Road could have been awesome, but with Hardy we get an actor in his physical prime and the possibility of a brand new trilogy of films. With Gibson at the helm it's another aging male actor showing us he can "still" get it done. I'm not saying that's a horrible thing. I can't really say that when I'm drooling over the return of a septuagenarian smuggler and a 63 year old Jedi Master. I just really liked that it's a clean slate.

    Still, wouldn't it be neat to see a grizzled Gibson Max flashing back to a Hardy Max in the sequel? Of perhaps Gibson playing a villain? But then I think of Charlton Heston in Burton's Apes remake and I remember how it couldn't help that train wreck of a movie.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jedieb View Post
    You have to wonder if Gibson's personal travails and career woes cost him a chance to return to one of his greatest characters.
    One interview with George Miller I read last week suggested this was partly the reason, however the overriding concern was that Miller wanted a Mad Max that was contemporary with the original films (ie. still reasonably young) - Gibson was still attached the last time they tried to make it back around 2000 but when it got delayed yet again they reached a mutual agreement for him to leave which seems appropriate now that he's pushing 60.

    (contrast this to the upcoming Terminator film, which has yet again dragged an increasing aged Arnie back in for another hurrah - hope it can work but I've already got doubts)

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    Oh what a day, what a lovely day! I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla... you will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!

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    Because Amazon reviews are the best...

    Seriously the Q&A and the reviews had me giggling endlessly. I shouldn't be that easily amused but I don't care.

    (Yes there's a reason I posted it in this thread.)

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    I went and saw Fury Road with my lady yesterday, and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. For me it was really clear that the developers and designers had a blast with the movie. All the character and vehicles were expertly designed. Watching the credits you see all these wastelander names for the characters who are never once referred to by those names. Each character felt developed, with a backstory and motivations, told by their vehicles and grizzly trophies. The society structure of Immortan Joe and his War Boys was great. A lot of thought went into it and was well designed and made for great wasteland crazies.

    For me, the movie struck a chord somewhere between Fallout and Borderlands. I was never into the old Mad Max movies myself, but this one was a special treat. I have a firm love for the Borderlands series, so it was great so see such well written crazies rampaging around a wasteland.

    I would totally go see it again.

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    The trailer for this film drummed up zero interest from me. It sold the film as one long car chase, and, that's exactly what it is - almost. A beautiful, symphonic, utterly demented car chase. And it was fucking spectacular.

  13. #13
    You should just not watch trailers Glad you liked it!


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