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Thread: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

  1. #21
    Glen Fiddich
    When someone asked Marvel to make a movie about Bradley Cooper climbing Vin Diesel like a tree, I'm pretty sure Rocket Raccoon and Groot weren't what they had in mind.

  2. #22
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    There is probably already a fan fiction out about it.

    oh what a tangled web I weave

  3. #23
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    New trailer!

  4. #24
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    I might return to RPing if those scrumptious Gue twins would come back. Figrin Sandwich, am I right?
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    Saw it. Loved it.

    This might be the strongest stand-alone entry in the Marvel movie universe thus far. Looking forward to seeing where they take this in the next few years.

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    I agree with everything Figrin says, it was SO good. Saw it this morning. Just an unbelievable romp, full of smart-assery, Groot,and talking raccoons.

    loved it.

  6. #26
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    I saw a racoon with a machine gun and lovable tree beat the shit out of bad guys.

    I'm just going to award this 10/10 - not for being perfect but the fact Marvel actually went there and it worked. There are so many ways this movie could have been bad and yet it's just not. It's great. It's funny (hysterically!), smart and absoluty top shelf entertainment.

    There are two credits stingers, both are magnificent. Especially if you understand the final one, it is the single most WTF then have hysterics moment in movies in years. There's some though that GOTG is a real "Star Wars" movie moment, both in scope and also how it brings something new to the screen that will ignite the imagination. I agree with that. There really hasnt been anything like this for yeeeeeears

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    Rocket and Groot for couple of the year.

  8. #28
    What a great summer Marvel Studios gave us, 3 of the 4 movies they put out were smart, entertaining instant classic comic book movies. The only one that missed the mark for me was The Amazing Spider-Man 2. But a .750 batting average is still crazy successful.

    GOTG is awesome, hysterical entertainment, a complete success from beginning to end. I loved it, and it's safe to say that the crowd I saw it with today loved it as well. I swear the laughter at a certain little someone dancing to the Jackson 5 at the end was almost deafening. And that final stinger...brilliant!

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    Marvel Studios doesn't do the Spider-Man movies, right? The rights are owned by Sony or something. (Like F4 and x-men not being Marvel Studios properties.)

  10. #30
    Oh wait, yeah, you're right, my bad!

  11. #31
    GotG was pure, unfiltered fun injected with a horse-sized needle. I especially loved how the humor was on all levels; from laugh out loud funny to the little quips which make you crack a knowing grin and chuckle. And yes, I teared up something fierce more than once.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lilaena De'Ville View Post
    Rocket and Groot for couple of the year.
    Oh hell yes!

    The amazing thing about this is that Groot was just so dangerous and murderous, yet just so innocent and cute. That big goofy grin he had after he finished ripping the bad mooks to pieces was utterly priceless! Like, look at me Rocket, I did good! - you want to hug him but at the same time he can and does rip mooks limb from limb without hesitation.

    And Rocket looks cute and innocent, yet he's even more outright smart and dangerous of the lot of them. There's so many tropes they could have fallen for in creating Rocket, yet it's all avoided and he really just comes off as a legitimate badass.

    In fact the real success of the movie is that it the concept invivted trope after trope, yet they dodged it and it stands up really well.

    I knew nothing about GOTG from the comics, exactly like I knew zero about Iron Man years ago or even anything about Marvel comics. What an intro

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    I don't know who drew this, but I love it and it's my iPad background:

    Reverse se image search led me here: so the artist is Mike Mitchell

  14. #34

    IIRC, Jace posted the shirt version of this artwork by J-Po on FB; made me grin like a doofus ^_^

  15. #35
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    Went all by me onesies on Thursday evening after work.

    Hands down, best Marvel movie for me so far. Like many here, I knew nothing of this IP before the movie and now I just want to know more. I thought Chris Pratt was awesome as Peter Quill. I think the greatest thing about this movie was that the entire adventure felt like Starlord really was making it up as he went along, and - and this is the important point - it didn't feel cheap as a result but completely legitimate. Our heroes were just crazy enough and mish-mash enough to pull something out of the bag like they did, and it worked brilliantly.

    But I really was not expecting four out of five of them to get offed by the end! Very bold move by the writers there, and I think it's a sign of things to come as we move into Marvel's Phase 3 movies. Okay, I am of course being a complete LOL troll here.

    I really loved just how diverse a colour palette was in this movie. The early scene where Starloard is on that planet looking for the orb was very dark and brooding, Nowhere was an explosion of neon, the prison was low-lit red/brown/orange, while Xandar was almost like Starfleet Headquarters with it's lovely fountains and glistening white/steel architecture. The very look of the film had a badass yet playful attitude about it.

    I thought the universe was as vibrant as anything from Star Wars and deliberately more fun. (Star Wars is fun but it's meant to be serious - Imperials are bastards!)

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