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Thread: Our Darkest Days: Echoes

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Closed Thread Our Darkest Days: Echoes

    In the heart of the Transitory Mists, there sits a castle amongst the stars. Flagship of the Hapan Queen Mother, Star Home is without peer. Elegant in design and yet equally formidable in its military defenses, it symbolizes everything the Hapes Consortium stands for – wealth, power and, above all, beauty. Though he had witnessed the vessel from space many times and been aboard on a handful of occasions, Aaron Belargic continued to be awed by the sight of the ships great dome and the ancient castle it housed. Every world in the Consortium had contributed in some way to its construction, lending the hands of their finest craftsmen and artisans to create something wholly unique and undeniably impressive. Truly a marvel of engineering, it was as if they had launched an entire city into space, a self-contained microcosm of Hapan civilization.

    “Commodore Belargic, welcome to Star Home.”

    Disembarking the transport shuttle which had carried Aaron from the Arbitrator to Star Home, the Commodore acknowledged the servants who had come to meet him with a slight inclination of the head. They wore tunics which concealed little of their muscular torsos. Evidently, the Queen Mother had chosen only the most beautiful of her citizens to populate the court of her castle in the sky. Notably, Belargic himself had not been gifted with such an honour.

    Ta'a Chume eagerly awaits your arrival, Commodore. We must not tarry any longer.”

  2. #2
    Ishara Alastor
    Moving through the artificial community constructed within Star Home was just like walking upon true Hapan soil. Modeled after the administrative capital of the Consortium – Ta'a Chume'Dan – the buildings within the dome were constructed of sleek, dark basalt and reflected the often imposing beauty and grandeur of Hapan culture as a whole. The streets were clean and saw only a comfortable amount of foot traffic, lacking the over-crowding and unpleasantness that so often plagued cities of such a size. Such things were intolerable to the Queen Mother.

    To reach Ishara's throne room, Aaron was ushered down a long corridor, whose walls were lined with female guards and whose ceiling was adorned with an immense wind-crystal chandelier. Yet all of all things, the Queen Mother herself was the most resplendent. She wore a gown that shimmered like the Ghost Nebula, fashioned of dark silk interwoven with subtle shifting colors. Men, wearing only loin-cloths, knelt on either side of her royal seat.

    Ereneda... Commodore Aaron Belargic, of the Arbitrator.”

    The escort party fell to one knee, as a collective, and Aaron followed suit by submitting himself before Ishara. The Hapan Queen canted her head backwards, proud jaw forward, as she examined those before her. With a haughty wave, she dismissed the men who had acted as Belargic's escort and waited until they had exited the throne room before addressing

    “Rise, Commodore. What news from our most loyal servant?”

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Arms folded behind his back, the Commodore kept his gaze level and directed just beyond the Queen Mother's left shoulder as he spoke; it was considered impolitely to make direct eye-contact with Her when speaking.

    “An argosy was discovered hiding within the moons of Shedu Maad. Landing parties from the Arbitrator took control of the vessels and stripped them of any cargo of worth, before sending the ships to Charubah to be decommissioned and broken apart for salvage. Raiders targeting the trade lines from Gallinore have also been apprehended and dispatched to Lorell, to be imprisoned...”

    The report continued, as the Commodore detailed those events which had been deemed important enough to warrant the intervention of the Arbitrator. To the unaware, it might have seemed that the Commodore and his crew were never lacking any duties – but the events Belargic recalled had taken place over months and months. Though there were pirate intrusions, day-to-day life aboard the battle cruiser was one spent watching and waiting, following the same well-worn flight path around the perimeter of the Hapes Cluster.

  4. #4
    Ishara Alastor
    For all of his shortcomings, both physical and otherwise, Belargic was nothing if not diligent in his work. There was no denying that. His desire to prove himself had made him a tenacious blood hound, when it came to hunting down the pirates that so frequently plagued the Consortium.

    “You have performed your duties most satisfactorily, Commodore... but we have a new objective for you, now.”

  5. #5
    As much of an impossibility as it was, Princess Elaine did her best to remain unnoticed. The flowing white veils of her ornate headdress would be better served as drapes behind which she could hide, but her mother would never tolerate it. Rather, she had been put here on display. The recent marriage of her brother, Tristan, to Razielle, the Princess of distant Onderon, did not grant Elaine the reprieve she would have liked. If anything, her mother's desire to see her daughter, her successor, splendidly wed herself had only increased and so, she found herself aboard Star Home with the beautiful elite of their civilization. Paraded around, in the hopes that a husband would spring from the luxurious surroundings and shackle her about the leg in matrimony. The thought made her shudder, for she knew her time was running out.

    Such thoughts were not her only cause for concern this day. There was a subtle tension in the air that, curiously enough had nothing to do with her. Standing still as a porcelain statue, she watched the approach of Commodore Belargic with curiosity in her gentle aqua gaze.

    When her mother uttered that fateful phrase 'but we have a new objective for you, now' Elaine's apprehension about the day increased by measures.

    She knew that tone..
    Last edited by Elaine Alastor; Feb 11th, 2009 at 05:40:07 PM.

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    For years, his mission statement had remained a constant: Patrol the Transitory Mists, apprehending any vessels who are not loyal to the Queen and Consortium. In truth, there was little other work for the members of the Hapan Navy, save for those unfortunate starships who had been deployed to the Japrael Sector to protect Onderon.

    “What would you have me do, most gracious majesty?”

  7. #7
    Ishara Alastor
    The Queen Mother spared her daughter only a moments glance. Elaine was not in her good graces at present, and it was growing difficult to remember a time when the child had been. There would be time for her later, however. For now, it was the Commodore's moment in the spotlight.

    “Name a successor to take your place as commander of the Arbitrator.”

  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    It was difficult to conceal the surprise he felt, but Belargic did not frown or betray any hint of his confusion. Any outward sign of discomposure would be unacceptable, that much was certain. His first thought questionned why he was being removed from his position about the battle-cruiser, but the fact that the Queen Mother had made such a request made that any bargaining over the decision was out of the question. Her word was indisputable law.

    “There are a handful crewmen aboard the Arbitrator with the practical experience and theoretical knowledge necessary to assume the command of a Nova-class vessel,” he began, though he felt his heart sank as he saw the expression on the Queen Mother's face – as if to say, if that is the case, why have you been in charge for so long? What she wanted wasn't assurances, it was names, or rather one name. Setting aside his anxiety, Belargic continued, reeling off his recommendation in a business-like manner.

    “Captain Varon Farani stands out in my mind as a man suited to a position of leadership. He is.. charismatic and well-liked amongst the crew. Moreover, his service record is near-spotless and has earned, in battle, the respect of his peers and superiors alike. In my professional opinion, he would make a fine addition to the ranks of the Commodore's.”

  9. #9
    She felt her Mother's icy stare, feeling her own doom was coming fast. It may have already been here, had she not decided to deal with Commodore Belargic first.

    When the decree fell from Chume Ishara's lips, her daughter's eyes slid closed to hide her dismay. She could almost feel the laceration of such an order within her own heart. What could have precipitated such a command?

    Elaine's eyes opened once more, shifting to the floor rather than at her mother or former-Commodore Belargic. She didn't know where to look exactly. She had no real interest in the running of the Navy, but her mother had just stripped this man's career from him in one sentence, and he was taking it so bravely. Bowing to the wishes of his Queen Mother, the way any dutiful Hapan would, without question. Privately, it stung her own emotions. She understood all too well what it was like to be trapped by the will of Ishara.

    Almost defiantly, her eyes lifted toward Aaron. All eyes were on him now, a public spectacle, but hers was the only supportive gaze.

  10. #10
    Ishara Alastor
    With the smallest gesture, the Queen Mother summoned an obedient servant towards her.

    “You, there. Send word to the Arbitrator – inform them that the vessels command now lies with Commodore Farani.”

    The attendant bowed deeply before hurrying away, followed by Ishara's eyes for only a moment before the Hapan Queen returned her attention to Aaron Belargic. With his arms folded behind his back, decked out into the royal blue and gold of the Navy, he looked like a toy soldier – a game piece, the pawn to Ishara's queen. A little smile curved into her thin, darkened lips.

    “...We wonder, Commodore, if you have heard news of the recent Imperial triumph in the Galactic Core.”

  11. #11
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Considering the question, Aaron arched one eyebrow a fraction. What lay beyond the borders of the Consortium might as well have been a vast and lifeless void, for all he was concerned. The affairs of the so-called Galactic Empire and their rebellion had so little impact upon the Hapes Cluster.

    “No, your most exquisite majesty, I regret that I have not...”

  12. #12
    Elaine often wondered if there had been something in the past that had made her mother so.. implacable. She was as hard as diamonds, and as unfeeling and cold. Her will was absolute. Chume Ishara was to be obeyed, at all times, not reasoned with, petitioned to, or questioned. If her word was unfair, there was no choice but to submit because..that was just the way things were, but her own daughter wondered, why? Surely even a Queen Mother of Hapes was capable of mercy and feeling?

    At the mention of the Core, Elaine's head lifted ever so slightly, then tipped toward her mother in interest. She was not privy to life beyond the Mists, so this was a rare opportunity for news, even if it too seemed tainted with a foreshadow of ill tidings. If she could take a man's career from him in the space of a few words, what then was this news that she seemed almost..giddy to bestow upon him?

  13. #13
    Ishara Alastor
    Ishara gently tapped one arm of her throne and the tell-tale blue light of a holographic image rose into the air between herself and Commodore Belargic. Evidently, though seat had more than just aesthetic appeal though what other commands were accessible at the touch of a button remained a secret, for now...

    Our servants have intercepted a transmission from the Imperial News Network. We found it to be... most interesting.”

    Another tap and the image of a new reporter, microphone in hand, came to life and began to deliver his report in a professional, matter-of-fact tone of voice. As the report played, the Queen Mother's eyes did not stray from Belargic's face.

    The Galactic News Network is pleased to report the successful arrest of a man ranked highly upon the Galactic Empire's Most Wanted list of criminals. Believed to be a ringleader amongst the insurgent group known as 'The Rebel Alliance', Dasquian Belargic was apprehended during an attempt to force entry into the private residence of recently appointed Truth Minister, Sanya Tagge...”

  14. #14
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    “...The Procurator of Justice has released reports detailing Belargic's past offenses, which include aggravated assault, murder in the first and second degree, grand theft, fraud, trespass, and acting as an accessory to high treason. It is expected that Belargic will face each of these charges, and more besides, when he is brought before Imperial Court later this week. Until then, he will be held in an undisclosed and high security location, to await trial.”

    Though the image vanished, Aaron's eyes lingered for a moment on the point where the reporters face had been. All the while, he had listened in silence, as still as a statue, yet the observant eye would have noticed the slight tick in his left cheek and the darkness behind his eyes. The name of the Belargic family had been forever tarnished by Dasquian's betrayal of the Consortium and throughout the years it had been made plainly clear to Aaron himself that the only way to absolve himself of the burden of his brothers sin would be to hunt the elder Belargic down and removed him from the face of the Galaxy. Now, it seemed, someone had done the job for him – or rather, beaten him to it.

    He had always imagined the sense of vindication he would feel at knowing Dasquian was gone, no longer a threat – however nebulous – to the prosperity of the Consortium. Confronted with news of his capture, however, the Commodore felt no triumphant joy nor indeed sadness. The Queen had expressed her interest in the matter and the hint of a smile on her lips suggested she was pleased, but Belargic suspected she would have preferred to try his brother before the courts of Hapes, against whom he had committed the most grievous crime: treason.

    “Your... most sapient majesty,” he began, choosing his words carefully. “This is most welcome news, is it not?”

  15. #15
    It took years of practice at schooling her emotions and private thoughts, particularly from her mother, to not react to the news that had just been made public. Her first reaction was to feel her blood run slightly cold. Her breath caught in her throat, constricting painfully for a moment. A heartbeat later she exhaled, her mask of passive composure carefully remaining in place.


    Not so very long ago that name had inspired girlish blushes and secret smiles. The name represented more to her than just the given name of one man. It was the vocal representation of her young and impressionable desires. She'd devoted many a night to private musings where Dasquian, (the scandalous pirate!), would suddenly appear and resuce her from her pretty prison. He would show up in the night coming out of the shadows and whisk her away to freedom. They would set off together and laugh about how very angry her mother would be... Of course it was all just ridiculous. Her silly little infatuation with him had never even been for Dasquian himself, but for what he had accomplished.

    He had escaped.

    He had dared to defy her Mother and had gotten out of this life, trading it for another..far away from the regime of Ishara, the beautiful raptor whose talons curved tightly around the golden cage of the Consortium. In short, he was her hero.

    “Your... most sapient majesty. This is most welcome news, is it not?”

    Her control splintered. Incredulous, her eyes went straight to Aaron in irritation. What a traitor, he was! Elaine, literally, bit her tongue to keep from saying so..

  16. #16
    Ishara Alastor
    “Most welcome indeed.”

    There was nothing quite so gratifying – so reaffirming of her absolute authority – as such obedience. She had not ordered Commodore Belargic to turn against his brother, and yet his hatred had flourish regardless, feeding his desire to distinguish himself from the tarnished reputation his elder brother had left behind. In some ways, it saddened her to say what came next, knowing how unquestionably loyal the Commodore had been, but there was simply no other way to proceed.

    “Yet.. with its arrival we have been forced to make certain decisions regarding your future here. We do not doubt your dedication to the Consortium, but we are ever mindful of your history, your heritage...

    What would you advise of us, Commodore, if we were to discover a contender to the throne in our midst?”
    Last edited by Dasquian Belargic; Feb 9th, 2009 at 03:18:04 PM.

  17. #17
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Aaron felt his chest growing tight with the weight of the inevitable.

    “Your majesty, I would never... you must know that I-”

  18. #18
    Ishara Alastor

    Nostrils flared with a breath inhaled and eyes suddenly alight, the Hapan Queen rose from her throne. Instantly, Belargic knew his choice of words had been foolish. Around Ishara, the throngs of slaves and servants sank lower to the ground, many falling prostrate as she stood upright, noble head held high.

    “What we must do, Commodore, is ensure the peace, prosperity and security of the Consortium. For generations, we – the proud dynasty of Alastor – have safe-guarded this Cluster against those who seek to divide us, to poison our peoples minds with talk of false scions and rebellion...”

    Her eyes fixed with Belargic's and even as his gaze dipped, overpowered by what he saw in her eyes, the Hapan Queen did not turned away.

    “Your very existence is an unsightly blemish upon our great sovereignty. We can tolerate it no longer.”

  19. #19
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    With his head lowered in submission, Aaron felt the racing of his pulse, heard its beat in his ears. The loss of his brother was... a bittersweet triumph, but he had never imagined that this would be the consequence, that his fate would mirror Dasquian's. Steadfast, his eyes lifted to meet the Queen's gaze once more as he spoke with a voice that did not tremble or break.

    “In all my life, I have only ever wished to be your humble servant, ereneda.”

  20. #20
    Ishara Alastor
    “Then you will honor this decree as you faithfully as you have done those before it, servant.”

    Malice bled into the Queen's words, the first hint of true emotion to be revealed since the Commodore had arrived before her. For a moment, her lips became pressed into a hard line, a fierce gleam in her eyes.

    “We hereby strip you of your rank and duties, Aaron Belargic, and banish you from the Hapes Consortium.”

    The Commodore, and those present, understood all too well the deeper meaning of the Queen Mother's words. To be exiled from the Consortium – to be so far from the beauty and glory of the Cluster – was a fate worse than death. There was only one thing to do, in such a grim situation...

    Breaking away from her position guarding the Queen's throne dais, one of Ishara's amazon-like guard strode forwards toward Belargic and extended a gloved hand, offering him a standard issue military blaster pistol, handgrip first.

    “You have twenty-four hours, Belargic,” the guard said quietly, her eyes meeting his without a sign of remorse. “You know what to do.”

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