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Thread: Spy Game: It's all fun until someone gets hurt

  1. #61
    Jason Russard
    Veritas vincit. Words of strength and solidarity. And Courage.

    The words repeated hollowly over and over in his head. Jason could feel hope seeping from his spirit with every moment that had past since recieving Inquisitor Valten's missive.

    Sincerest apologies...

    He was suffocating. He wanted to scream out loud his rage at the cruelty of men who took and destroyed things dear to others for no other purpose than greed and malice. He wanted to scream his fury and frustration that even the splendid power and organization of the Empire could not always undo a wrong and make things right.

    Instead, he sat stifled and dispairing.

    What third party did Karl mean? The Albino? There had been no word from him. No word from any of the parties his father Jason the Elder had recruited.

    If the Imperials found no trace of his daughter, it could mean only one thing. There was no trace to be found. Estelle was gone. For the first time Jason allowed that thought to land and take root in his mind.

    "Dont you dare"

    Russard looked up at his father's sharp rebuke. The old man's blue eyes, hard as granite, pinned Jason to silence.

    "I can see defeat all over you. And I can smell it" he snarled. "It reeks so that my bowels writhe. No Russard was ever weak. You'll not indulge yourself now, Jason"

    Jason's hand trembled slightly on the armrest, so he made it into a fist. He had fully expected the Imperials to recover Estelle. He hadn't realised how tightly he had been clinging to that belief until it had been stripped from him by Valten's message. Sincerest apologies.

    "Find your spine Jason" the old man commanded. "We have no need of cowards here"

    Russard stood, wordless, and crossed to the study window. It was a large bay that looked out onto the gardens below. The day had dawned clear and the pale blue of the morning sky was slowly deepening in colour as the sun began its steady climb.

    As his son turned back toward him, Jason the Elder could see he had taken a hold on his thoughts and, if not exactly an absence of fear, there was a renewed strength in his face and in how he held himself tall. The slightest of nods confirmed his approval of the younger Jasons effort. And the two men returned to their waiting.

    An hour later, Lissel delivered the communication from Gorgja. The old man smiled. Leave it to the grubby Hutts to have the last say.
    There was no rebuke in the old man's face when he saw his son was weeping.

  2. #62
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    "We'll be in Coruscant soon, kid" Kazaar said softly, his eyes crinkling into a kind smile as he leaned over to tuck the blanket in more closely.

    "I thought I was dreaming when you showed up" she whispered hoarsly back to him. She would have returned his smile, only the split in her lip pulled painfully even with the effort of forming words. A smile would break the scab that had now formed and would start the bleeding again. Kazaar knew she was smiling on the inside and so it didn't matter. He curled his hand around hers and gave her an understanding squeeze. He knew her pretty well, this rough and angry man who was watching her with probably the most tender look Estelle had ever seen in a mans eyes.

    Estelle had a thousand questions to ask, a thousand things to say.
    She wanted to know how he'd found her? How had he gotten so quickly to Mastala? Who was that other guy that had been gawping at her while she was in the bacta tank - couldn't Kazaar have found her a shirt atleast? Who was going to look after her in Coruscant? Was Kal Kristmanssen really dead? Was he sure he was dead? What had gone wrong? How had she screwed up? Was her cover blown? Were the Imperials involved at all?

    But top of the list was the question she found a voice for, "How can I ever thank you for coming for me Aurelias?"

  3. #63
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    So, why does everyone keep calling me Mr. Blonde?

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    Aurelias Kazaar's Avatar
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    "Thank me when you're better kid," Kazaar replied, keepin' his hand in hers.

    She'd come outta the bacta tank 'bout an hour ago, her body partially healed from the damage she'd taken. But Estelle'd be in an Imperial hospital even longer, once they got t'Coruscant.

    Kazaar'd hafta spend some time in a bacta tank as well, his left arm continue to leak from the wound he'd gotten on Mastala. 'The Black Man' (only adding to th'mystique he was pickin' up) had patched it up well, but whatever'd hit 'em had taken a chunk outta the former bounty hunter's arm.

    He didn't look forward to th'bacta tank...but it was better'n what 'The Kid' would prolly need. Her knee and ankle still looked pretty bad'n her face wasn't great either.

    "Best thing t'do right now is rest...get ya strength up. I ain't gonna lie to ya. Empire's prolly gonna have alotta questions they're gonna ask. Why ya got kidnapped'n all."

    Kazaar gave his best smirk, "Wouldn't worry 'bout it, though. Dad'll prolly try t'keep the questioning short."

    Estelle's face started to show concern, but Kazaar squeezed her hand, "I said don't worry 'bout it, kid. They'll go easy on ya...prolly just ask why ya were where ya were.

    "Best thing ya can do...just tell 'em it was wrong place, wrong time. Went for food or hit on...simple as that."

    He gave her his best concerned look...something he hadn't given t'anyone inna while.

    "We all get questioned by th'Imps ever-so-often."

    A smirk, "Even me."

  4. #64
    Bloodcrest was waiting patiently outside the room when Kazaar came out. "Any updates on our next course of action that I should know about?"

    Racuto's sources, unknown to all but him, had pulled through once again. He knew a few people and had them watching for all transmissions from the ship, a precaution intended to keep the more suspicious members of the current crew in check, when they had actually detected a transmission that was not from any of them but from Kazaar. As per Bloodcrest's request, request because ordering these kinds of people was nearly impossible, they had only discovered the sender and, upon finding that it was Kazaar, went out of their way to not read the message. Bloodcrest had trust in Kazaar, something that was rare enough in the galaxy as is. But he was still curious and had decided to ask Kazaar.

  5. #65
    "Yes," The Black Man's deep voice came from behind the Rebel duo.

    His armor was black, fitting formly around his body like a shell. His left hand held a mask, looking vaguely stormtrooper-like.

    "There is an extra armor suit by your belongings, Racuto. You'll need it to slip past the Imperials on Coruscant."

    He gave a slight smile, which was still slightly creepy, "Consider it your payment for helping out the Alliance."

    The smile widened, "One hour to Coruscant. I do hope we get to do business again."

  6. #66
    Racuto's faced lightened up instantly at the mention of something new and exciting he could mess with until it looked nothing like it was supposed to originally. "New armor?" As soon as the words left his mouth, he was headed towards his room and his new belongings.

  7. #67
    Jason Russard
    "Heroes of the Empire Memorial Medical Center"

    Jason pushed the turbo lift button for floor 1011 repeatedly during the interminable trip up. The button had not lost its glow despite stopping at more than fifteen different levels, and it would not go off until destination reached. Jason knew this, of course, but could not restrain himself. He could not arrive quick enough.

    At last, the longest 6 minutes of this day were done and the elevator opened its blinding white doors to release its distracted occupant into the Thrawn Wing of H.E.M.M.C ie; (for the uninitiated) Critical Care and VIP suites of the largest and most elite Hospital in the Sector.

    Estelle, finally, was in expert hands and her father was greatly relieved. Perfunct directions from a stout and very capable looking head nurse saw Jason the Younger quickly to his daughter's room.

    Stepping through the ward doors with an unannounced rush, Jason's breath stole from him and he stood momentarily frozen. There she was, his little girl. Her face was swollen and grossly bruised. Beneath the covers she was in a similar state. Jason saw, but ignored, the man slouching in the chair next to the window, who appeared to be attendant on his daughter. Had Jason paid more notice, he'd have seen the man's shrewd black eyes assess, and promptly dismiss, him as being any sort of threat to the girl in the bed beside where he sat. Kazaar deftly released his finger from the blaster trigger beneath his coat.

    Crossing quickly to Estelle, Jason fell to her and craddled her head against his cheek. Words failed him. It didn't matter. Times like these, words were unneccessary. The heart said it all.

  8. #68
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    So, why does everyone keep calling me Mr. Blonde?

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    Aurelias Kazaar's Avatar
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    Kazaar sat in the plush, crimson chair smoking a cigar.

    Some orderly tried t'force him to get rid of it, mentioning health hazards, flammable liquids, all that poodoo, but Kazaar'd simply stared th'guy down.

    He wasn't gonna leave 'The Kid' but he sure as hell wasn't gonna get rid of his cigar.

    When he mentioned it was Jason Russard who'd hired him, the orderly'd backed off from his health tirade. The former bounty hunter'd smirked as he followed the stretcher down the white hallway.

    It'd been a whirlwind of activity since The Flying Dutchman had emerged from hyperspace over Coruscant.

    The HWK-290 shot through Coruscant's atmosphere at breakneck speed, flanked by two ugly looking Eyeballs (TIE Advanced, but an Eyeball's an Eyeball no matter th'color) who escorted him to th'large durasteel hospital building, just off of the former Senate building where democracy was 'pretended' t'be in place up until the Emperor disbanded th'Senate before the First Death Star's destruction.

    Too bad ol'Palpatine didn't visit that big space station before he built the second one. Prolly woulda died sooner and saved everyone a whole lotta fighting.

    But nothin' ever went t'plan.

    The Black Man and his cohorts had disappeared quickly, pressing a button on their black suits which engaged the stealth systems running throughout the suit.

    BC had disappeared soon after that, giving Kazaar his bank account info plus a, "Might have a job coming up soon."

    The former bounty hunter gave a smirking nod, shook hands with BC, then went t'finalize the landing.

    A moment later and the Dutchman was on the landing pad of the hospital, then boarded by a vast array of medical technicians, droids, and nurses trying t'stabilize Estelle.

    Kazaar followed, smoking trailing from his mouth as they entered th'hospital.

    Estelle'd been taken into a room fulla droids who poked and prodded her t'see what body parts'd been damaged.

    An hour later and some guy (who had t'be 'The Kid's' father) streaked into th'room kneeling at the bed, before cradling 'The Kid' in his arms.

    Kazaar sat and smoked, warily watching Jason the Younger.

    He hadn't been bothered (save for that one health-o-manic who told him not t'smoke) so far and he preferred it that way.

    A puff of smoke came from his mouth and he kept waiting.

  9. #69
    Racuto Bloodcrest stood quietly at the corner of a poorly maintained walkway a mere hundred feet above the honest surface of Coruscant. Down here, in the deepest levels of the planet-wide city, he didn't have to worry about being found by Imperials or any official of any kind that might be looking for him. Around him, dark shapes moved by, some slowly, some quickly, all intent on their own business and affairs. At this level of the shining jewel of the Empire, asking another's business could easily get you killed, mugged, or sold into slavery. It was the perfect place for someone who knew cities to hide.

    A black shadow moved up behind Bloodcrest. Racuto had been expecting this shadow and that was the only reason there wasn't an exchange of shots. You could never be too careful.

    "There is trouble." The shadow's voice was subsonic and Racuto had to tweak an implant in his right ear before he could understand what was said. "Target two has discovered your location, the Prime is in danger. Estimated 2 standard days till action."


    As one of his many sources of information disappeared back into the gloom, Racuto was already thinking of which run-down landing strip he was going to go to so that he could borrow a ship. He didn't need anything particularly fancy, just something that looked solid enough to fly. He broke into a mad dash to the nearest turbolift. Precious time was ticking until he failed the only mission ever given to him. He had to save Jean.

  10. #70
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    Doctor Jesus Terrible
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    Inquisitor Karl Valten stood in the door way to the ward, appearing like a ghost. The people in the room may not have noticed, or they may have. It didn’t matter to him. But he kept silent, resting one arm against the door frame. He almost seemed like a friend there to comfort another.

    He wore no ceremonial robe, no cloak, his sword gone and weapon belt empty. Just the simple black uniform with no decorations, only the blood red crest of the Inquisitoriate on his left breast. Almost like an equal.

    Valten had made his way to the hospital at hearing of the arrival of Estelle to intensive care. The girl that, just hours before, had been prisoner on a planet light years away and had vanished under the Inquisitoriate’s nose.

    The girl still had bruises of captivity covering her body. Jason Russard hovered over her, filled with both grief and gratitude, and was unaware of the Inquisitor.

    But the man in the chair drew the Inquisitor’s attention. Aurelias Kazaar, bounty hunter under Gorgja the Hutt, and more importantly the pilot of the ship that had evaded Karl’s ships and brought Estelle to Imperial Center.

    The Inquisitor looked away from the hunter, this wasn’t the best of places for an interrogation. Time to be the supporting friend, Karl’s stomach churned at the notion.

    “How is she?”

  11. #71
    Jason Russard
    Jason turned to look at Kazaar, assuming incorrectly, that it was the bounty hunter who had spoken. His error was made obvious by the way Aurelias was looking not at him, but at the uniformed man leaning casually in the door frame.

    "Inquisitor Valten" Jason stood, greeting the newly arrived Karl with redrimmed eyes, "I--I didn't realise you were there"

    Jason paused a moment, realising that in his befuddled emotional state that not only had he not initially recognized Valten's voice, but that he had also omitted acknowledging and greeting the man sitting in quiet vigil beside his daughter. As an added afterthought, Jason realised the man was smoking..

    The pause was shortlived, however. Russard claiming back his faculties crossed the room to shake the Inquisitors hand.

    "I am so grateful for your help, Inquisitor. You have proven a steadfast friend. Please, have you met....(he turned back to Kazaar)...Im sorry, forgive me for my rudeness. You must be Mr. Kazaar, Gorgj--er the man my father hired to help find Estelle"

    Jason's introductions were as awkward and clumsy as he felt.

    Behind the trio, Estelle had cracked open puffy eyelids, and upon hearing her father identify the commander of the Inquisitoriate forces--and then introduce him to Aurelias! -- her heart began to race and, tellingly, the monitor she was hooked up to began to beep repeatedly.

  12. #72
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    So, why does everyone keep calling me Mr. Blonde?

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    In one fluid motion, Kazaar leapt from his seat, moving quicker than anyone could've thought.

    The vibroblade slipped from his jacket pocket, the blade glinting in the stale lighting of the hospital room.

    He plunged it into the neck of the Grand Inquisitor, and
    blood spewed forth as the arteries severed.

    Valten choked as he fell to the ground, no chance to be saved.

    Kazaar turned to stare at Jason Russard, his face wild as an animal. His smile was deadly, his black eyes flashed.

    Reality came back to the former bounty hunter as he stared at th'businessman and the Imperial.

    Nice as it would be...he couldn't do what he wanted t'do. Not here...not with Estelle laying there prone.

    His ears heard th'monitor start beepin' and Kazaar knew what he had t'do.

    "Yeh," he took a puff from his cigar, "I'm Kazaar."

    He gave a bit of a smirk, "Glad I was able t'help out. Hate it when girls get hurt.

    "Specially those who don't deserve it."

    He was ignoring Valten at th'moment, but he slowly turned his head towards the Inquisitor and nodded a greeting.

    No...Kazaar couldn't do what he wanted.

    But 'e would at some point.
    Last edited by Aurelias Kazaar; Apr 2nd, 2007 at 09:09:46 PM. Reason: minor grammatical correction

  13. #73
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    “I am so grateful for your help, Inquisitor. You have proven a steadfast friend. Please, have you met....(he turned back to Kazaar)...I’m sorry, forgive me for my rudeness. You must be Mr. Kazaar, Gorgj--er the man my father hired to help find Estelle"

    Karl stepped into the room with a reasuring smile, patting Russard on the shoulder, as reassuring as a serpent can when the mouse is sitting before him.

    “Don’t worry about, my friend, you’ve done much for the Imperium. It’s about time we gave something back, though it seems someone has done a better job.”

    The Inquisitor turned to Kazaar, his cold grey eyes locked with the bounty hunter’s, as if trying to tear into the man’s soul. Aurelias had a burning in his eyes, one that Karl had seen many times before. It made him laugh inside, so pathetic.

    His head twitched in the direction of the beeping moniters. So the girl was awake after all. Valten glanced back and extended a hand to Kazaar. “The Empire thanks you for your services.” The Inquisitor paused for a moment, contemplating. “…though that impressive maneuvering at Mastala was unnecessary, the Inquisitoriate some of the best medical services available.”
    Last edited by Karl Valten; Apr 3rd, 2007 at 07:09:08 AM. Reason: Minor dialogue change

  14. #74
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    So, why does everyone keep calling me Mr. Blonde?

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    His arm was leaking again, Kazaar could tell. The blood slipped down his elbow, where it pooled briefly beneath the black leather of his jacket sleeve.

    "Lemme ask ya something, pal," he responded, takin' a puff from his cigar.

    If he didn't call Belargic, "sir" whenever he was given orders there was no way in hell he was callin' this Imperial Kark, "sir," either.

    "Ya go 'n grab a bounty on some sonofabitch who don't even deserve th'mother he got.

    "On the way out, ya discover th'Empire is orbiting the planet ya just hauled space lines from.

    "Imps, 'specially Inquisitors, are paranoid bunches...don't deny it," the tip of his cigar point towards Valten.

    "It's damn true.

    "What's t'keep some frackhead from deciding t'take a popshot at my ship and frackin' up the whole deal. I was bein' pursued by a buncha bloodthirsty mercs who don't give a flyin' mynock 'bout who they're shooting at.

    "Bounty gets one comes out ahead."

    Another puff from th'cigar, "Plus, I stuck th'Kid inna bacta tank I got on my ship. She was gonna be fine all the way t'Coruscant. I want m'payday as much as any other guy."

    It was then the former bounty hunter (well...current, he supposed...guess ya got t'use the term if ya claimed a bounty again), rose from his chair in almost one motion.

    His left arm dropped, the blood starting t'run down his arm, towards his wrist. It pooled briefly at the top of his black glove, before slipping down the underside of his gloved palm.

    Kazaar wasn't used t'shaking hands with anyone let alone Imperials. But he figured he had t'do it.

    Plus, he could havva little fun with it.

    He raised his left hand, grasping Valtan's gloved hand in a firm shake. It was returned.

    At th'same time, two droplets of blood flew from Kazaar's wrist. They splashed against the pant leg of the Grand Inquisitor.

    Kazaar grimaced, both in pain and (attempted) embarrassment.

    "Forgot I'd gotten tagged during th'fight. Must be leakin' again."

    He gestured with his cigar, "Might wanna check ya glove too. May've stained it a bit."
    Last edited by Aurelias Kazaar; Apr 3rd, 2007 at 04:06:21 AM. Reason: added a line

  15. #75
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    "Put that thing out!"

    The head nurse's tone brooked no argument as she strode into the room in response to the beeping monitor. She glared at Kazaar, outraged at the man's audacity. She deigned a curt inspection of the other two men in the room, but crossed immediately to Estelle's bedside.

    Checking the datascreen, she then took the girl's pulse, one hand deftly taking Estelle's wrist, counting inwardly to herself and then jotting down the rate on a chart hooked at the bedhead. There was no danger, perhaps just too much stimulation with the visitors.

    "Sir" she addressed Kazaar who had only stood watching her and had made no effort to extinguish the offending cigar, "you will put that out or remove yourself from my hospital."

    As the nurse busied herself with checking her patient's vitals, Estelle tried to bring herself under control. What a shock to have Valten walk into the room. She felt the fear of captivity threaten to overwhelm her and a low murmur of distress escaped involuntarily from her lips. She couldnt take another go-round as a prisoner. Not so soon. Maybe not ever.

    Observing Estelle's sudden unsettled state, the head nurse ammended her last order.

    "In fact, there are too many of you in here." She looked at the Inquisitor, a fine looking man in his uniform - if not a trifle frightening. The smoker, well, he was not too bad to look out either, but clearly a rogue. There was a strange tension between all three of them that the nurse suddenly caught to.

    "Mr Russard, perhaps you can finish your conversation outside. Your daughter has some way to go before she is up to so many visitors"

  16. #76
    Jason Russard
    Jason had been following the back-and-forth between Inquisitor Valten and Aurelias Kazaar with growing concern and was much relieved at the nurse's arrival.

    Some undercurrent was running between these two men and he wasn't quite sure why. He was certain, however, that he didn't like it and that it was dangerous.

    "Y-yes, thankyou matron. That is probably a good idea"

    His body language gestured for them to follow him out into the family lounge area. He had business to finish with both these gentlemen -- thanks to be extended to them in better form than just an awkward handshake.

    "Might we move out into the lounge?"

  17. #77
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    So, why does everyone keep calling me Mr. Blonde?

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    Kazaar shot a glare at th'head nurse.

    Th'hell was wrong with you people?

    Kazaar didn't expect a frackin' medal for saving 'The Kid', but he at least wanted some respect f'doing it. Not some lecture 'bout the dangers of tobacco smokin', by all Alderaan's Ghosts, that drove 'im nuts.

    When 'Jason The Younger' made the offer t'move into the lounge, the former bounty hunter shook his head.

    "I ain't going nowhere," he kept his voice at his normal, lowered tone, "Not till 'The Kid' is safe."

    The nurse raised a manicured eyebrow and Kazaar stared at 'er a moment. The nurse was wearing a white uniform complete with a goofy-looking white cap, a red cross emblazened on it.

    She was tough lookin' in th'garb, high cheekbones 'n all, prolly Mandalorian or something close to it. The Rebel Agent had a feelin this nurse she took no poodoo from anyone.

    "Look lady," Kazaar ignored 'er name at the moment, "I don't like it when girls get hurt. And despite how ya feel 'bout my smoking, I ain't leaving the girl's side, until I'm sure she'll be all right."

    His arm started t'burn a little more as more blood started t'make its way down past his elbow.

    The nurse glowered at him, and she pointed a finger into his chest.

    "I will not take no for an answer, sir," her voice hadn't changed its tone.

    "You will put out your cigar or I will put you out."


    Definitely a Mando.

    Kazaar gave a snort, then sauntered over to a large window near 'The Kid's' bed. He pushed it open with his right hand, his left arm starting t'become difficult to use.

    With a look of almost sorrow at th'loss of the cigar, Kazaar tossed it out th'window.

    "Happy now?"

    The nurse nodded then stared at the blood dripping on the floor.

    "You're bleeding, sir," her tone hadn't changed, as if she were commenting on Kazaar's longish hair.

    Kazaar shucked off his black jacket, revealing the covered wound on his upper arm, just below his Ikas-Adno winged tattoo. Blood had seeped through the bacta patches 'The Black Man' had placed on Kazaar's arm back on the Dutchman.

    The nurse eyed the wound, then handed a towel to the bounty hunter.

    "Clean it up and I'll patch it again in the lounge. You will need some time in a bacta tank, sir. And soon if you want to regain full use of the arm."

    Kazaar rolled his eyes, "Yeh yeh."

    He started heading towards the door when he stopped by where Estelle lay.

    Giving a small grin, he said (outside the nurse's earshot), "I'd stick 'round here, Kid, but I don't think Nurse Palpatine's gonna let me."

    That got a smile from 'The Kid'.

    Kazaar angled his head outta the room, "Just gonna talk business with ya dad. Ya need anything, just shout and I'll be there."

    He sauntered outta the room, leaving his jacket behind. He had another one back at The Flying Dutchman. Plus he figured 'The Kid' might appreciate the semi-tobacco smell associated with him.

    Kazaar started wiping blood offa his arm. He'd leave the expired bacta patch on until he could make it to a tank...don't want t'destroy the scab beneath it.

    Gods only know what'd happen t'his arm if he did that.

    Still focussing on his arm, Kazaar raised his eyes just enough so he could watch Valten and Jason the Younger and Estelle's room.

    No way he was gonna let that outta his sight.

  18. #78
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    Doctor Jesus Terrible
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    A smirk crossed Karl’s face out of sight from Jason and Kazaar. He grabbed a length of towel near the sink on the medical counter and began wiping the red from his glove without comment or disgust.

    With the attention off of himself and onto the nurse chewing Kazaar out, Karl kept a vigilant eye on the hunter thanks to the small mirror above the faucet.

    This hunter was an interesting one, most couldn’t care less about who they worked for, but at least they showed respect for the authorities. After all, you can’t make a living from a prison cell. But this Kazaar, disdain laced the man’s voice and to insult an Inquisitor like that… was amusing. The man definitely had a pair.

    Karl turned on the water to wash what was left of the stain off his glove. The sound of running water drowned out the low rip as her tore a bloodied section of towel off.

    A quick glance in the mirror showed everyone still focused on the Kazaar-nurse incident. The hunter tossed his cigar out the window under the stern watch of the nurse.

    In a second, the blood-stained piece disappeared into Valten’s uniform without a trace. Shutting off the water, the Inquisitor dried his hands and turned. In plain sight he tossed the bloodied towel into the waste basket.

    That tattoo of his was an interesting one, but Valten’s eyes were drawn to the drained bacta patch. His eagle eyes caught brief sight of a sliver of a symbol just above the leak. It was only a small the piece, the rest of it probably completely destroyed along with the torn flesh.

    Still that one sliver peaked Valten’s mind.

    "I'd stick 'round here, Kid, but I don't think Nurse Palpatine's gonna let me."

    It was spoken low, out of earshot of everyone in the room, but the Inquisitor’s picked it out as clear as day. Karl’s eyes narrowed just barely on a second thought, though. Interesting how protective the man was of young Estelle. The frank references, the absolute refusal to leave…an amount of chivalry he could take, but the Inquisitorial paranoia was taking over. This seemed like something more to Valten.

    …….not now though.

    He bowed his head slightly to the nurse. “Apologies, Miss...” Even across the room his eyes picked up the name on the employee card. “…Clay. I’m sure your patient needs her rest.”

    Valten stopped at the door, gesturing respectfully with his arm for the occupants to leave.

    “We can discuss our business elsewhere.”

  19. #79
    Jason Russard
    Eve Clay had seen some sights in her day. A nurse with long experience in the medical field, would. But something about the small knot of men peripheral to her young patient laying prone in the bed beneath her strong ministering hands made her very uneasy.

    "You've got your share of troubles, honey" she murmured not unkindly to Estelle. "Sometimes, one can get too much attention, wouldnt you say"

    Estelle kept her expression blank, unwilling to venture her trust to another unknown person, however honest she may appear. However comforting it would feel. Estelle suddenly wished Grace Van Der-Veld was here. It was as if Eve read her thoughts picking up on her inner hesitation, an odd look of understanding touching those stern head-nurse features.
    "You try to rest now, dear. Leave those men to their intrigues -- you concentrate on getting well."


    Out in the lounge Jason had closed to the Inquisitor while Kazaar crossed to the coffee machine, fishing in his pockets for the necessary creds to by a strong black steamer, no sugar.

    "I can only reiterate my thanks to you, Inquisitor Valten. I know my request for your help was more than our business dealings allow for. You - and the Empire - were very generous to come to our aide."

    Jason was not used to the part of petitioner. All his life he had dealt from a place of privilege and strength - his father before him having built the financial empire that he, Jason the Younger, was now the commander of. He was used to having others cater to him, grovel to him. He, Jason was the beneficint one, the provider, the helper. The one other men came to for direction and guidance. But, as so painfully demonstrated over the past 48 hours, all that money counts for naught in a life and death struggle with evil men.

    And this bounty hunter - this was definitely a new chapter in Jason's life. His father, toughened through eeking out a living to eventually come up through the ranks to survive--and thrive-- among the cut-throat politics of high business, obviously had a rich experience in dealing with me like Aurelias Kazaar. The old man knew the questions to ask. And the ones not to ask. Knew how to treat and reward such individuals. Jason felt woefully inadequate in this arena. But he could learn.

    But first things first. The Inquisitor held him with that steady gaze.

    Jason knew he was offering more perhaps than he would ordinarily want to give, but this was an extraordinary circumstance and so, generous with gratitude, the younger Russard continued.

    "In the future, if I can repay you in some way, I trust you will let me know."

  20. #80
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    So, why does everyone keep calling me Mr. Blonde?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Aurelias Kazaar's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: EquableJarl0 PSN ID: TXViking43
    Kazaar took a swig from his cup of caf.

    And almost spit it back out.

    By the Emperor's Ionized Bones, that was god-awful.

    And he'd tasted Gracey Van-Derveld's caf.

    But he needed th'caffiene so he took 'nother sip. This one he didn't spew back up, but still tasted bad.

    The Mandalorian head nurse, her eyes fixed on Kazaar's arm, strode up to the bounty hunter; multiple bacta patches in her hands.

    As she started to removed the bacta patches, an almost concerned look came on her face.

    "You've taken a ton of damage," her voice states as she noticed some of the flesh was charred.

    "What cause this wound?"

    True be told, Kazaar didn't know. He'd been too busy tryin' t'grab ape-faced Zellid, he'd believed the pain he felt was from a blaster bolt.

    'Course 'The Black Man' hadn't said anything either, but Kazaar didn't expect it t'happen.

    "This damage is consistent with a fragmentation grenade," Nurse Clay opined as she placed a new bacta patch on his arm.

    Kazaar snorted, "Well thanks Nurse Obvious. Thought it was fromma gizka or something..."

    The nurse poked Kazaar a little too hard and he winced.

    "I was a battle medic during a battle against the Nagai," Clay stated plainly, "I've seen soldiers stuffing their intestines back into their stomachs, then killing Nagai while they bled out.

    "Your injury is nothing."

    Another smirk from Kazaar as his arm was re-wrapped.

    Nurse Clay gave him a short smile, then walked away.

    The former bounty hunter shook his head again, then tried t'stomach the caf again.

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